General Discussion

General DiscussionLone Druid respawn time

Lone Druid respawn time in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    Like how does something like this even happen?

    U finally kill him and he just reappears before u can push the next tower.

    Balance in all things


      I honestly think whoever was designing his talents at Valve never truly expected the new build to be viable. (where you basically get nothing for the bear and focus on items for the hero). From his view he was still thinking of the old radiance-bear LD and probably thought the hero build would remain nothing more than a troll meme build.
      Because the talents look far less OP when used in the old build. -50 secs respawn is less of a big deal when your bear dies with you in the fight and is on cooldown for 100 or so seconds. Sure your brown-boots + vlads hero respawns faster but late game the old LD was less useful than most supps with his bear dead. Even the extra attack range and damage for the main hero look more balanced in the old build, because then its just a way for the hero to actually contribute some damage in fights and stay far enough not to die.
      If the bear build had remained Meta I'm pretty sure LD wouldn't be considered broken. But instead valve tried to make a meme build more viable and accidentally made something too stong


        Tried this build against slark and storm. Gets raped wtf


          Throwback to Meepo hell.


            This new lone druid is so stupid, the hero was never supposed to be able to do this. Sniper on steroids, the damage output is fucking unreal man.


              just get axe

              btw i think bear manfights is good too he has nice talents for bear