yes razer is overrated i prefer generic computer peripherals.
<---- Trust me, 2kmmr player here.
very weak. outside of that 10 min lane phase he sucks. Doesn't snowball but his only option is to snowball really since he can't man fight late and can farm fast enough to go kill all the towers.
Insanely weak.
Good in pushing lineups, but is worse than DP/Viper in almost any draft.
Falls off really quick, gets raped by any other mid/carry past 35 mins. Has no way to comeback-farm either, has no way of picking off heroes too.
Bad mid (he may win the lane, but is garbage straight after 10 mins of the game), bad safelane, can't even dual offlane, not even thinking to draft him as a support.
Very weak skills.
No place in E-sports, no place in pubs. No place in any lane.
Needs_a_rework-tier hero.
Tbh i think he has merit in lineups were he just completely obliterates their main carry mid jugg or something, while his own luna just carries the game afterwards. I do think he needs a buff tho, and i wud probably increase link break range, and make the field slow while its touching you. Razor does get underestimated in certain games, where most dmg is physical or thru only one right clicker, but usually he is weak.
You can pick any ranged lane destroyer to dumpster Jug mid.
Why pick Razor to destroy a Jug lane, when you can pick a hero that will destroy the lane AND be better later on?
Razor is outclassed even in the good spots he has.
I think in almost any situation that you would want to pick Razor, you could instead pick Viper who is also a tanky lane dominator but who isn't useless the moment laning phase is over.
Well, I've played Razor over a variety of metas in different skill brackets with different playstyles and different item builds. It's not that he's particularly underrated.
He might be somewhat weak, but that is only because his skillset doesn't scale well into beyond 35 minutes, and if you want to transition into a heavy right clicker after that, you have to have the farm to secure that transition.
Also, this is my opinion, but a lot of people don't find him fun to play, and as a result, he doesn't get picked a lot. When he does get picked, teammates don't know what to do with him because very few people have experience playing/playing alongside a Razor.
Ye but razor imo is better lategame than razor, i mean if he gets behind and the enemy has a lot of dmg he can use it against them. Kinda like axe blademail call but more single target. Viper falls off harder imo. I just dont win with viper past 35 min, but i do with razor.
Did you mean "Yes but viper personally is better lategame than viper" ??
PS I am so confused
Pick him only for enemy lineup that has single unit target skills that you can escape with purge
The damage steal duration isn't really rewarding though :/
And yeah I put him in the same category with Viper too
Carries that can solo kill early game
Except that Razor needs a lil more farm than Viper to work, coz you can't chase too far for a kill :/ Same concept for Gyro's homing missile
I think a 6 slotted razor is a beast actually, the problem is getting there. Aghs + refresher combo means passively he's doing 11k dmg and can just run around kiting while it kills towers and heroes.
6 slotted with some tank and dmg items like travels, aghs, refresher, skadi, heart, ac/butterfly, he's pretty damn strong and dropping most teams, but how the fuck does he farm all that? Mid game he might have like yasha, aquila, and be starting on aghs while enemy carries can 3 shot him. And he has no way to farm creeps. Plasma field is ok dmg for it but the mana cost he can't spam it.
No, I think viper is stronger than viper. I meant, viper can easilly kill hero, get more gold and can buy razor gaming laptop which better than razor
Actually Razor is pretty fun play, Alch/Drow/Luna/Sven/Juggernaut on the otherhand oh jolly those are truly boring heros to play insanely boring.
Zeus vs Jugg i learned mainhand is terrible unless someone ganks. Waste all the mana you want he will just heal it, 350 range instant Bladeflurry = dead.
Razor is very much fun to play. But not the best option. There is other better heroes than Razor in this meta.
razor is a lane maintainer, from my experience most razors chase and dive with static link early cause it's op but it's left at lvl 2 until you're 8+ for a reason
don't run with them and steal all their damage for the kill, run back and deny, keep the lane in your favour and deny their safelane/mids (razer as a safelane pos1 is fucking awful cause, just cause)
play him safely as a lane controller and keep them on 0 cs, eventually youll find yourself getting ganked or chipping away at their tower cause they've left the lane
quite possibly the easiest hero when wanting to deal with the powerhouse mids like ta and od where you just can't get near creep waves without a prison or refract harrasses
with od - static link and a value point in your passive as when he prisons you, he'll be slowed and the link remains intact - same with meld
razor is much weaker than viper is late game. I honestly think that viper doesnt fall off in the late game as most people think. Razor on the other hand does fall off really hard. If you dont get off a full static link you will often lack right click damage to actually fight and if razor is your only right clicker, you are screwed.
WEAK, his 1st skill is a trash, link and counter are situational.. ultimate is trash.. he is pretty tanky but thats all
his 1st skill is trash... what the fuck...
... what the fuck
lets not give credit to the skill that you use most; to flash farm ranged creeps, to burst whilst getting chased or better yet, to chase WITH VISION AND RIGHT CLICK IN FOG, to pretty much use like a shivas guard without the slow...
what the fuck
it's also worth noting that he does indeed fall off greatly later in the game when it's more about sieging than hero kills which is why scepter is almost always the go-to after dragon lance/situational items where he does more kiting than right clicking to rax
You said it before me lol! Yeah that ulti is really good at pushing with Aghs, the nuke is really good early on and the vision is gold in later stages he do however rely a lot on the static link but imo most people never get critts personly i dont get it.
Critts and static link SnY perhaps bkb and aghs and your very very stronk will critt very hard but you need cc to really make use of him.
Also you cant let the game take 50min + like in most low mmr games cause then afk shit like Phantom afk shittsin and Anti Win afk, Naga for good afk times or Alch for even more afk time or sven or jugger for some good ol afk farm go to sleep game.
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