General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to make bad heroes good?

How to make bad heroes good? in General Discussion

    Heroes like windranger suck and we want to make heroes that suck not suck. For windranger, her talents are dog shit and windrun being purgeable is an unnecessary nerf, but what hero changes should be made to improve her? Even other garbage heroes? How do we make them better?


      Needs a rework like necro got
      She's been in the dumpster for so long so it's obvious her skills just don't match the meta at all anymore


        Switch the meta


          Its not even the meta for wr, she is straight outclassed by everyone. I think she needs an ulti cd reduction, and some talents that rnt dogshit

          1-IceTea 🌟

            By you playing good

            BSJ. LGD

              its usually because standard build is not next level enough to make the hero good, so invent your own


                i play her as support now


                  I think she could be a good roamer if she got some slight buffs


                    desolator makes everything better


                      give her free ags upgrade at lvl 10 or 15 and problem is solved. also removing cd from ultimate would be good but not op since she cant use it on 2 enemy at the same time.


                        ^ is this a serious statement?


                          People want to buff not break her


                            The easiest way is by you playing it good. Other than that, the wr need a hero rework, maybe make skill 1 and 2 a farming ability and reduce cooldown of ulti to 5 second with agh and have the same talent as lone druid


                              I only lost with void once this patch btw haHAA


                                Or lower the duration of wr + cd so it's something u can spam. Give her a talent to have 2 uam instead of 1


                                  She doesnt need uams anymore cuz the only ones are lifesteal and deso


                                    Imo she needs to wr be undispellable, and a cd reduction talent at lvl 15


                                      wind aghanim midd is op

                                      Story Time

                                        cant u just synergize her with some heros like drow or cm (for rightclick damage build or spellcaster build respectively)??


                                          changing powershot to a physical skill (like pa dagger or monkey bar strike) would suit her real good...

                                          also change all her talents after lvl 15 of course


                                            Think she just needs an early gpm talent and leave her as it is. Too difficult to farm items on wr


                                              the problem is that she requires farm but has no innate way to get that farm. Which means she is relying on kills to get gold but that requires positioning and she doesnt have a great repositioning skill either. Windrun helps but its also your escape and chase. She really needs her skills to offer one or the other.


                                                Having spells and talents that aren't complete horse shit could help WR I think.
                                                Also, fixing her spine.

                                                How can a hero with one of the best native stats be so shit is beyond my understanding.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  all of her spells need level 4

                                                  fix that

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    i'm glad this hero's in the dumpster, laning against wr as a solo safelane is a morbid experience

                                                    Catsys Rivers

                                                      Just wondering, but how viable is this in 7.0?


                                                        Power shot isnt that bad for farming and a gpm talent wud suck dick cuz it doesnt offer a power spike. Maybe a lvl 10 talent that makes power shot deal more damage and a lvl 15 cd reduction talent. Her positioning is solved with a blink. And cd reduc and power shot dmg helps her farm.


                                                          Tbh her lvl 10 talent is fine, i think a lvl 15 cd reduction and lvl 20 damage talent. Lvl 25 talent cud give her armor cuz she cant manfight anyone with mkb at that point.


                                                            Maybe lvl 25 agility?


                                                              Or lvl 25 BAT reduction.

                                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                                U go pike mjolnir on any ranged int hero im pretty sure also fuk aghs man just build moonshard


                                                                  @strange cats cafe maybe it is.. but is so hard to reach that point.. also ember lvl 10 talent gives him 15% spell amp and lvl 20 talent gives him GENERAL cd reduction.. ALSO he have 3 magic skill, wind only one..

                                                                  maybe is viable but dont worth it


                                                                    i think u get stronger with +15dmg +16int +15%magic resis +100 atk range, with hurricane and scepter... all the way better IMO


                                                                      Which heroes are bad and why?

                                                                      That'd be a better topic to discuss.
                                                                      'Cause before talking about bad heroes, you need to specify the definition.

                                                                      Not all heroes, who lose are necessarily bad.

                                                                      Not all heroes, who just extremely don't fit the meta are necessarily bad.

                                                                      A bad hero would be the one, who has abysmal stats through multiple different patches or just weak.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Her level 10 is ok, her 15 isn't awful, 20 and 25 are bad.

                                                                        20 should be shackle now has 2 charges or gives +30 dmg
                                                                        25 should be like make powershot instant cast or reduce cd by 6.

                                                                        Then do one of the following:

                                                                        For shackleshot make the fail duration half the stun duration so it scales .75/1.125/1.5/1.875. They keep nerfing the arc of her shackle, make it not completely worthless if it doesn't hit.


                                                                        For powershot make it deal double dmg to creeps, done. Now she is legit farmer.


                                                                          IMO Natures Prophet, Earth Spirit, Windranger are all just overnerfed heroes. They need simple buffs.

                                                                          Broodmother, Meepo, Visage, Enchantress, Wisp, AW, Chen - these heroes aren't weak, it's just really bad players, who try playing them and fail. You need to know how to play these heroes before you pick them, that's the gimmick.

                                                                          The real garbage-tier heroes for me (which IMO need not the nerf/buff crap, but complete rework/overhaul) are Viper and Razor.

                                                                          Razor is the no. 1 most needing the rework hero in the game.

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            Razor and tiny are both really bad right now and it's quite sad.

                                                                            Idk how to fix razor. Big problem is he can't farm, and his laning is strong but not enough to snowball into late game/he falls off. He's a lot like viper in that regard. I think you could possible buff cast and break distance on static link to like 800/1000. Buff his attack range to 550. Reduce mana cost on plasma field to 100. Then maybe he can farm with it to a bit and he won't be quite as squishy later in team fights.

                                                                            Tiny too is hard. I think a big issue is his talents are stupid. He doesn't need +dmg or move speed early, he needs attack speed, and his +25 is not very much for a lvl 20. 14 mana regen is tight but comes way too late. He also has no armor. Give him +1 base armor.

                                                                            Then get rid of his level 10 altogether and make it 20 ias or 8 mana regen. Level 15, +8 all stats or +125 avalanche dmg. Level 20, 20% cd reduction or craggy exterior can now affect ranged units. Level 25, +15 all stats or +40 attack speed.

                                                                            This would essentially let you specialize tiny as a nuker or right clicker. If you went nuker he has 425 avalanche dmg at 15 and +8 mana regen to spam it. Or you can have 8 stats and 20 attack speed and wreck towers.

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                              Tbh both razor and vioer see situational play, but i agree with the razor buffs. Viper just needs a buff to his ms and maybe starting armor and he wud be good. He fits the early tempo gameplay as a space creator, and although he is strong in lane, he is so slow that the supports can easily gank him. If that becomes difficult then i feel like he would become much more viable.


                                                                                I think the secret to making these heroes good is talents, like those that enabled ember and ld and qop to be so strong. I think tiny needs an attack speed talent and an early mana talent. Maybe he cud get a lvl 25 talent increasing craggy exterior proc chance, and making it apply to ranged heroes too. Then against ur ld's and snipers he might actually be good, as he can similar to nyx, proc a stun and use that opportunity to jump said sniper or ld.


                                                                                  I think not suiting the meta like void doesnt make a hero bad, we r talking bad through many different metas and patches. Some of my picks would be wr, lina, troll, maybe lesh but even lesh is seeing some situational play as a support. I think this patch is balanced in that every hero sees at least marginal play, but only like 10 are seeing consistent large amounts of play


                                                                                    I say Razor is super dogshit, because he was really bad even 3 patches ago.

                                                                                    For the last year he had a sub-50% winrate in both pro and pub games.

                                                                                    LD was average always before 7.00 buffs, that hero was never exactly trash-tier from 6.86 onward.

                                                                                    Same applies to Ember and QOP.
                                                                                    Hell, Ember was the first hero I truly learned to play as.

                                                                                    Razor, on the other hand, is dosghit as far as I can remember him. I can't recall a single patch, where I'd see Razor in the enemy draft and say to myself 'wow, they picked Razor, that's gotta be a problem'.


                                                                                      be good urself dad


                                                                                        @Dire Wolf tiny problem is his passive, is sooooo weak IMO, with his agi growth per lvl he barely reach 8 armor (with lvl 4 craggy exterior).. so bad.. Also his lvl 25 talents are bad


                                                                                          Ye i think a craggy buff is necessary, or a talent buffing it in a sense