General Discussion

General DiscussionAuto unranked rating recalibration? Wut?

Auto unranked rating recalibration? Wut? in General Discussion
kunst 2

    As you can see, this account was in normal skill for all time - , but in my last lowprio bracket changed to vhs with no reason. I played one more game after lp to be sure and - vhs again.

    I have 4 theories about it:

    1) Unranked "hidden" rating somehow using real mmr. I got this acc with <1k mmr and played up to 3650.

    2) Darkmoon causes this, because every time I played it my bracket grows

    3) Recalibration (same as newacc calibration) started with unknown reasons.

    4) Volvo's dark magic

    What do you think?

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

      Icefrog's Dark Magic.
