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one-man bukakke

    Why i cant win as lina anymore? I used to stomp every game with lina like 4 months ago but now is just like i cant win. Tips in how to play the hero and how to aproach to the mid-late game especially wen you just cant even pull your ult in a tf

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Don't try to approach mid-late game as midlane Lina, if you have to, buy heavy utility items like Scythe instead of Aghanim's Scepter.

      With Aether Lens and lvl15 +125 cast range talent, you try to catch anyone out of position with cyclone for initiation or force BKB then retreat (Slark will be a pain in the ass)

      You stay behind teamfights and cast skills as if you're a puppeteer
      People start getting high and right click all the way in NS so you can try to land stun as they stand still for a hit

      And of course people will aim you coz you paper which is a big problem for Lina since she doesn't have enough Fiery Soul to run with, that's why you should always initiate or try to get casting space

      I always think Agh's is just no good... Pure damage and pierce BKB seems desperate I would rather Shadow Blade and Blink Dagger for repositioning as carry always try to pick off you in teamfights

      And Bloodstone is out of my level IDK why some people buy it but never worked for me

      My core build is Drums PhaseBoots Euls (Aether) hopefully Shadow Blade if team has few invis users