General Discussion

General Discussionwho's the sleeper hero of this patch?

who's the sleeper hero of this patch? in General Discussion

    the hero that's secretly super strong, but no one has figured it out yet.

    Johnny Rico



        Dazzle mid


          i wish i could say pugna
          but it's never pugna


            techies for sure

            The Robot Devil

              Been having a lot of luck with Axe in low mmr. I don't normally but play him but...stronk right now.

              Johnny Rico

                Axe is shit right now, he may fight early, but the meta is on ranged carries that put out absurd amounts of dmg, in a very small time.


                  Pretty sure its Enigma or Crystal Maiden


                    Probably natures prophet

                    Im gonna prove it this weekend and play 40 straight games of prophet


                      pick dazzle, max poison touch, build treads > medallion > solar crest > sb > deso > silver edge > ac/aghs/bloodthorn/hex/mjollnir and add in bkb wherever necessary


                        Clearly this makes u a ranged carry that deals a lot of dmg in a short amt of time, and according to hook and cuck (or cuck and roll same shit rlly) thats how u make a good hero




                            Venge carry has already been discovered, thats about as new meta as I can come up with.


                              Gyrocopter kappa

                              Johnny Rico


                                  Ye what abt my completely factual post that makes sense u cuck fuck

                                  Player 345068850

                                    Imo dark seer


                                      with 10 evasion talent darkseer become really good this patch, also with 70ion shell dps in 25


                                        how does venge carry work ive tried it several games and the hero does fucking nothing


                                          ursa is, if your teammates has a good pick, real offlaner who can solo, and strong safelane, which doesnt need to shout every 5 minutes that they need help ursa is very strong and basically can dominate any game. Of course for that he must go jungle and enemy shouldnt have riki, or riki should be retard enough to let you farm


                                            Sniper working for me. Atleast in normal skill bracket.

                                            And as a supp. I like SD this patch like venom was for me in last. But it need one or two hero whose illusion reks enemy. Even ig they are in enemy team. I did most match dmg with enemy Luna's illusion to the point Luna started raging me :D


                                              Oh yea dark seer is pretty damn good


                                                techies for sure


                                                  Aura necrobook troll warlord


                                                    naga was always most underrated hero


                                                      Do you have any reasoning behind that? Or is it just because you like naga so much


                                                        Its venomancer every patch. Surprise pick into ez win


                                                          @ bws no naga is one of the top free mmr heroes your team just have to trust u that u will farm 6 items in 30 min and win game but its hard in solo ranked to trust anyone.
                                                          u see in pro scene always ban naga for aui2000 and notail cause they know the hero is op


                                                            Do you know why naga is not picked or ban in pro scene?


                                                              Because camp spawns every 2 minute