General Discussion

General DiscussionHow 2 win Luna tinker?

How 2 win Luna tinker? in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use



      By picking them


        axe ......

        one-man bukakke

          why the hurricane pike doest use in its recipe the hurricane lance

          FIX VOLVO

          btw you dont have to face tinker. Your work as luna is farm, push and the ocassional TF. If you face him pre-vyse just tp out of there. OR bkb and ult if he is alone.

          Practice Makes Perfect

            Void i would say , or eventually pick them like bsw- said , thats how in pro scene they dont let enemey pick some heroes , by picking them

            casual gamer

              if you ever want to ruin a game of dota for 4 people pick queen of pain


                qop is good but only if player is good ( like me )
                how can 5k+ say this omg win mid vs 4k then talk

                i have 5 reports to use

                  I actually win my lane every time and then I throw the games on purpose to grief my allies.

                  Qop is a lane crusher who denies the enemy mid 1k gold in 10 mins almost every time. Also pretty good on the edge of team fights other than that she's Garbo due to mana problems plus low single target dmg and her only good late game timing comes at 25. She is a team hero for sure, pretty shitty in 4K due to this reason unless u go for right click farm item builds.

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                  casual gamer

                    in genereal qops actually awful

                    omg win mid then talk XD

                    except you win mid and you still lose because qops actually just

                    a bad bad fucking hero. her ult cd is absolutely awful, if she commits blink before level 13 or whatever she just fucking dies. ive killed 6k qops because they use blink mid and i just tp and walk at them with eclipse, the hero is a complete joke. hey qop used her ult 5 years ago, so they can't fight us at rosh.

                    dont worry guys, when qop hits 25 she'll finally be useful! except the game is fucking over so it doesnt matter.

                    ive never seen so much delusion about a hero, i see so many people try to pick this garbage can and i always tell them not to. its like people all have this crazy sense of exceptionalism that makes them think they can buck her winrate, but her winrate is a product of the hero just being awful

                    casual gamer

                      this is the reality.

                      if someone picks qop on my team, i will probably report them, it's that simple


                        Qop isn't good imo Bc you can't carry with her, she falls off too hard. Her early game is great and it's easy to dominate mid but then she becomes useless as the game goes on. Eventually any carry will feed off of
                        The qop.

                        i have 5 reports to use

                          Yes she's awful Lul but fun^


                            qop with bkb ac mjolnir is strong carry


                              Asking a basic q rather than giving advice since I'm a noob compared to you guys.
                              Isn't long range heroes recognized as Luna counters? Like Sniper or Lone Druid?
                              Or should I get distance closers like Slark or Sven?
                              Which type of core heroes are better for countering Luna?


                                Shadow Demon + Nyx

                                You want to pick Shadow Demon both because he counter and synergizes with Luna thanks to Disruption, which creates two pinball machines of death.

                                Nyx counters Tinker for obvious reasons and can take down Luna early due to her fragility.


                                  fuck qop retarded shit hero never playing it again

                                  casual gamer

                                    snipers great against luna

                                    u either have outrange + depush type heroes like sniper, tinker. underlord

                                    or u blow her up with stuns and high magic damage slardar / ember

                                    or u pick SD and do more damage than the real luna


                                      just lost a game with luna against sniper


                                        Awful but high pick rate. Lol


                                          by destroying the enemy ancient


                                            Can confirm going against under lord as Luna sucks ass


                                              U want op mid hero that shits on everything? pick embero spirito and collect ur mmr

                                              Vem Comigo

                                                qop with bkb ac mjolnir is strong carry

                                                every ranged hero with those itens is a strong carry.


                                                  embero spirito magico typenio is very gooodto


                                                    even if u lose in mid, u still can fight them when u get your veil, its awesome. sorry for my bad english


                                                      this guy 5.7k main and struggle in his 4k smurf. lol


                                                        That means MMR is just a number
                                                        You're just as bad as me frank
                                                        Face it


                                                          28% wr qop


                                                            Well he is obviously not playin his best heroes. Hey frank. I wonder if u would struggle in 4k if you played other heroes Aside from riki


                                                              sry talk to me only after you have blue stars.


                                                                ^^ I can play all heroes but i only play riki because i love it.


                                                                  qop will continue to have shitty winrate as long as ppl buy aghs on it


                                                                    Hey sorry I can play all heroes at 5k level but I choose not to. Talk to me when u r 7k.

                                                                    Hatsune Miku

                                                                      pick earthshkaer, sniper and kotl