General Discussion

General Discussionthe effectiveness of Hand of Midas

the effectiveness of Hand of Midas in General Discussion
Tyrannical Cancer

    Well ,everyone know that this item mainly do a lot about fasting our farming. But is it really effective to carry this item in a game?
    With only 2050 gold cost , we will get the effect (Active: Transmute - Kills a non-hero target for 190 gold and 2.5x experience. Cannot be used on Ancient Creeps) . the effect looks amazing , 2,5 exp on a single creep and instant 190 gold is nice. but the CD of the item is bad. 100 second just for 190 gold? well the talent tree of most support is better than this.
    and if we calculate the amout of gold we earn 190 gold x 11 = 2090 . It means we need 11 times activing this ability to get our money back. 100 second X 11? 18 minute and 20 second? Really? even we can get much exp in the future section of the game , isn't it still too long to get our gold back?
    I think with this current cost , the item like Yasha (2050 gold cost ) and another item that boost our damage,regen, or stat will be better to increase the farm rate .
    Based on the different of the role, the effect of this item maybe different. As support with a little farm , this item may really impact to the game
    What do you think about this item guys?

    Sorry if I have the wrong grammar or word


      It's a support item (u buy it for xpm not gpm) , only useful on cores that have the biggest power spike from levels (such as invoker in example) or don't farm much otherwise.

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        Would you get a yasha on invoker aa warlock?


          Yes ofc I would what are you talking about


            I would what are you talking about too


              Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:


                why you only include gold in your calculation? xp?

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Gold from Talent GPM is unreliable gold while from Midas is reliable gold. Very important difference.

                  30 attack speed
                  The exp is important too

                  Story Time

                    lol, u also sell midas at some point securing 1025 gold back, please go back and do the math...


                      We buy it at 2050 gold.
                      20 minutes later we got 2280 gold.
                      Then we sell it to shop keeper and gain 1025 gold back.
                      Sums up we get 3365 gold.
                      Is that right?


                        There are too many factors to consider when analyzing if an item is good or not. I doesn't just come down to how much is 2050/190.
                        The only reasonable stats we could have is win rate of midas vs no midas in similar games, but don't think you'll find that anywhere.

                        TL,DR: Any discussion in this thread is pointless.


                          Midas is situational, unless it's a necessity for some heroes like Invoker. Usually goes on supports or cores that have a hard time farming/needs that spike in XP. Don't get it if you don't know what to use it on and when to use it. Don't really have a problem with it because in situations that I thought I need it, it actually helped a lot.

                          casual gamer

                            midas is overbought imo, especially in lower brackets


                              BEST ITEM EVER

                              Story Time

                                hex is the Best Item, midas is for zuzzels


                                  Awesome item for leveling up fast and getting some reliable gold.


                                    I think this item really need for a 1k-2k because they really dont know how to farm properly.

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                                      definitely depends


                                        Ive seen MoM voids in 6.86 get midas so its not for everyone. But not only do dota games last longer than 18 min on average (fun fact) but it gives you EXPERIENCE. Experience is this cool little than that gives LEVELS. Levels are these nice things that give access to ABILITIES AND LEVELING THEM, as well as TALENTS. Most heroes who like both of those, and dont have good farming abilities yet want larger items, like nyx, aa, warlock, love this item.

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          yea i think i'll just take it as a rule to never read daddys posts ever again


                                            i would like to hear someone's opinion on mid-game midas


                                            GRANT MACDONALD

                                              For me, midas is best on players who have sharp power spikes like Visage and Broodmomma. Midas really helps brood extend her usefulness a full 15 mins by allowing you to rapidly acquire your bloodthorn, radiance, bkb or whatever items you need for the game situation. In most cases, you are going to rape the enemy T1 and T2 in the first <13:00 then blanket their jungle, get solo pickoffs and starve them out for farm. Some people say she's no longer viable in the meta with shrines and buffs to sniper but I say that she's still good in the right hands.
                                              I used to get midas on Visage as well but its been a while since I've played him simply because I think he got nerfed too hard. I could see midas being viable on warlock as a hard position 5 who needs big dollar items (ags, refresher) and although i dont play invoker, i see the point behind him being level and farm greedy.


                                                I hate people like Light and Magic who make a statement casually like "oh fuck you dude" the walk away never allowing yourself to correct your mistake. Btw kys its good for you. Shitstain.


                                                  The main purpose of Midas is to speed up your XP gain. You get it on hero's who do not desperately need any particular item to be useful but benefit greatly from levels and can effectively make use of items later on. Also Midas gives Reliable gold so if you are killed its not as crippling as it normally is.

                                                  Examples of Heroes NOT to get Midas on:
                                                  AM: He needs lots of gold and is useless without Battlefury and Manta. Midas just delays that and he isn't very level reliant.
                                                  CM: She needs a form of escape like Glimmer or Force ASAP. She is useful even with few levels.
                                                  PA: She needs to fight, kill and snowball to win. Midas makes it much harder to do all that.

                                                  Heroes that Should get Midas:
                                                  Invoker: Hes useful early-mid without a specific core item as long as he has several levels. Benefits greatly from levels and items such as aghs later on.
                                                  Phoenix: Doesn't need any item other that Tranquals to be good. Already has an escape. Desperately needs levels to make supernova more durable. Benefits from items like Shivas later on.

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                                                    ^you do get midas on cm, and you do it rather often


                                                      invoker, aa, aw, warlock, ld, nyx, sb - out of the heroes that are eventually picked nowadays
                                                      top20 of heroes with midas according to the stats u can find on dotabuff is a nonsense mostly

                                                      edit: well, aa and aw aint rly picked anymore as well, sb and warlock are rare guests, so we r left with 3 heroes that are supposed to purchase midas, lmao

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                                                        obviously midas is an exp item, no one is that stupid to buy a midas for gold only.

                                                        that's like buying 6 branches and saying you're fully 6 slotted


                                                          Pretty sure ranged ld doesnt buy midas


                                                            @ Triple, I've never seen midas on CM so its probably something that only happens in Higher MMRs. Doesn't CM usually need some sort of escape or survivability item first though?


                                                              if u dsperately need fast glimmer or force as cm, u shouldnt have picked cm :D
                                                              u r supposed to feel safe as pos 4 semi jungling support, and not die much during the game

                                                              he does. he still needs lvls asap.

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                                                                It is core on greedy offlaners like Brood/LD/Ench sometimes.

                                                                Or on greedy supports like AA or Treant.

                                                                Or on extremely level-dependent cores like Invoker.

                                                                E.g. on Brood you get the lvl 10 +15% EXP talent and then lvl 15 -20% CD talent, as a result you get multiplied EXP from Midas and way lower CD on it.

                                                                Get lvl 25 between 25-30 mins in all games.


                                                                  So midas on bear and ld buys aquila + lance + phase/treads and shit?


                                                                    u keep midas on ur hero tho
                                                                    u used to get it for the bear when bear was the one rightclicking, now ur main character kicks asses
                                                                    the bear remains with boots and oov till the end of the game usually

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                                                                      i would like to hear someone's opinion on mid-game midas

                                                                      to add something ive remembered, i've seen it on offlane heroes like slard (actually only slard) who bought blink and then went midas or blink force midas

                                                                      Optimus Drip

                                                                        ive been getting it on necro. im not convinced its bad or good
                                                                        very quick level though


                                                                          Why wud u buy midas on a deathball hero like necro? Btw arin ive also seen nyx go for arcanes into midas into aghs.


                                                                            How about Midas on offlaner Void?


                                                                              He is already low tempo u shudnt lower any more.