General Discussion

General DiscussionGimme some tips

Gimme some tips in General Discussion

    Offlane tips please, so bad playing in offlane. All skill levels feel free to give tips :))

    1-IceTea 🌟



        Know the limits of your hero


          @1iceTea, I forgot to put that I wont accept any tips from account buyers :)


            search forum, topic comes up daily.

            Watch youtube videos on specific heros, lots of guides.


              Offlane tips:
              Know how to block and use and abuse creep aggro in lane (this is an absolute must and what separates 4 from 5k players)
              Don't neglect to pull the hard camp if your lane is pushing
              Know when to and when not to push and put pressure on their carry
              If the lane is absolute godawful hell on earth e.g. some fucked trilane of say Kunkka Luna Ogre don't feed sap XP if you can and farm your top jungle when the wave is pushed. If they are smart and want to take your T1 unless your getting some rotations its going to die and you wont be able to defend it. If they committed this much to safelane then they should have lost the other lanes and you've done your job.


                @Mischief thanks dude your reply helps a lot

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Acc buyer huh?
                  Look like middle 4K is too hard for you that you need to buy to have it eh?

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                    I just checked ur profile, ur games are garbage. You're just getting carried in most of your games

                    Not Saske

                      ayy lmao

                      lice get burn


                        All u do to win offlane is abuse shrine. The most cancer lane i can think of is sd, mirana, luna, or venge, luna, ogre