General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich Hero is best to get HIGH SKILL

Which Hero is best to get HIGH SKILL in General Discussion
darth vader

    Which Hero is best to get high skill and spam on it?


      You need skill not hero dude
      If you insist then try mid heros cause they are more likely to snowball and own the game

      Ryan Gosling Fan

        Dude your 900 mmr you Do something terrible wrong i think even without any skill and knowledge you can be 3k.


          no hero can help you
          learn to play

          atm u r like 2 years of active gaming away from high skill


            well people who have no skill/knowledge and are 3k are the reason i can't win 100% of all games there yet >.>


              Just accept that you're a trash just like me :)


                Earth spirit, io, and chen are easy to use and will get you to HS easily


                  ye man i am trash because i can't carry complete throwing retards, i can only carry people who want to be carried (in my mmr)

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                    Sooner or later we'd be able to
                    We just have to believe xd


                      who said u need to carry to win?

                      look at my low kda but godlike winrate this patch. im getting carried every game

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                        by carry i mean win the game because of superior impact, like even though you (i mean you alice) dont play carry you still win with superior impact in the game.

                        i do make mistakes though, and i dont play super-meta heroes however sf and riki arent exacly terrible at shitstomping noobies

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                          Getting carried is still a skill
                          hello im bws im an asshoel carry player that can only afk farm and hit towers haHAA


                            like now i go through my lost games of today and analyse why i lose... 1. techies gave up at min 70 and refused to blow his huge bomb stack to kill all enemy team, 2. carry literally afk half of game, 3. antimage had literally 0 impact and went afk when enemy was pushing high ground, 4. nooby smurf picked mid and was completely useless all game

                            like wtf how am i supposed to win when my carry actually goes afk when it's his time to do his job

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                              i think sub 5k dota is a huge mental game (5k+, thats where meta and strats actually matter right?)

                              imo ur just stressing urself if u think u need to be a star to win games with this superior impact thing or high kda/gpm/what ever stat there is thats tracked in dotabuff

                              u just have to use ur team properly. i mean, i myself just need to do well in the first 10 mins where i cant rely on anybody but myself then i can just provide decent utility and shotcalling to my team (which can be done by pings and chat wheel btw). everything else will be done by them

                              this is why i play (almost) braindead heroes. so that i can take of the game as a 5v5 (can WE rosh? can WE get that tower? etc) instead of focusing on the me vs them scenario (what can I do? where should I be? etc)

                              ...but it also may be a case-to-case basis. what may work for me may not work for you

                              P.S. i decided to think of a braindead way to win games because i have 15 fps on my pc LUL


                                ye well when i think how we can win as a team, it all fails because my position 1 carry has went afk in the middle of everything


                                  Ask some 4k+ to analyze the game
                                  We can't point out shits because we're just as bad as you


                                    my games are decided during laning

                                    if i lose the lane, i cant win my team's lanes (and i cant snowball with them)

                                    then we'd slowly lose the game because we're playing 4v5 (im useless) unless a stupid mistake happens on enemy side

                                    conversely, if i win my lane i can go complete braindead mode and still win. thats cuz 3ks (even me, to tell the truth) struggle to come back from a lost lane so the game instantly because 3 or 4v5 in your favor


                                      hey bws if i get 4k can i start analyzing ur games xddd


                                        Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:


                                          well ofc i make mistakes and thats why i lose, but you can't deny that ultimately the loss comes from a single member of our team losing on purpose.


                                            Spam a hero you enjoyed playing, watch rtz miracle suma1l etc playing the hero


                                              like for example at #1

                                              sure u lost because ur tech didnt blow up his mine stack 70 min into the game, but think about the scenarios that lead to that. why did techies have to plant that stack? how did u lose rax even with a techies? why was it even a 70 min game? if u all did better at the earliest point possible, you would win easily and faster too.

                                              thats why when i try to watch or just reflect my mistakes i only go up to the first 20 mins of the game. i feel like this timeframe is where the game gets decided.

                                              late game scenarios like that happens but you dont get 70 min games every day. but laning to post laning --> mid-game transitions always happen

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                                                Hey I tutored caesar and pointed him 1234567890 mistakes just from the laning phase xd


                                                  You haven't seen my lategame 😏


                                                    rofl. want me to tutor so i can point you stuff you already know? xD


                                                      i havent seen it cuz u dont play with me feelsbadman


                                                        Who wants to play with an NP that buybacks and teleports into the face of a 700 GPM God Strength'd Sven Kappa


                                                          "HEY IF YOU CLICK ON AN ENEMY HERO AND STAY NEXT TO CREEP ON A 500 RANGE RADIUS FOR MORE THAN 2.5 SECONDS YOU'LL DRAW AGGRO"
                                                          "TREADSWITCH AND DROP ITEMS FOR MAX EFFICIENCY"
                                                          no thanks


                                                            honestly i would play with that

                                                            and complain about it on dotabuff


                                                              "HEY IF YOU CLICK ON AN ENEMY HERO AND STAY NEXT TO CREEP ON A 500 RANGE RADIUS FOR MORE THAN 2.5 SECONDS YOU'LL DRAW AGGRO"
                                                              "TREADSWITCH AND DROP ITEMS FOR MAX EFFICIENCY"
                                                              no thanks

                                                              more like

                                                              "CS LUL"


                                                                Wow bro u set a very high goal. I would just play bot matches if I were you to get familiar with the game

                                                                Vem Comigo

                                                                  actually droping items is pretty good, you can now put 3 items on backpack to get max efficiency from your bottle or stick.



                                                                    basement :)

                                                                      Not even VHS. Just HS.

                                                                      Optimus Drip

                                                                        spam techies

                                                                        Savvy Cat

                                                                          Qop is the best hero to do anything with in the game, so that is my suggestion.

                                                                          P.S. If you lose with Qop, its your fault, not hers so get better please.


                                                                            i got vhs on a smurf by 1st pick randoming every game

                                                                            so you should try that

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                                                                              get some finger implants because if ur at 900 mmr ur prob missing a few

                                                                              darth vader

                                                                                bro i have another account which mmr is 3.2k, but normal skill

                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  To best heroes to raise mmr with are: Broodmother, Io, Enchantress, and Nature’s Prophet. They have the best win rates.


                                                                                    its fine if its normal skill it'll probably get there anyway soon with that winrate


                                                                                      32% winrate in 3k
                                                                                      You'll get back to 900 sooner or later on that account so you better git gud and get back on grinding your main before you get in my games and ruin mine


                                                                                        Before you give any counter argument I tell you I didn't abandon my main with "boohoo i have low mmr omg games so cancer my teammates drag me down i will smurf and cheat my way to vhs" as the reason and ask for ways to fool the system to get me to calibrate higher than my MMR

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                                                                                          pick necrophos and do stuff. get a blink and keep doing stuff, i think you can escape normal skill on this hero using a touch pad.


                                                                                            I doubt even necrophos can save him from 32% winrate in 3k


                                                                                              tbh cheating is a really harsh word and i dont think it really fits to describe the situation. if you smurf and calibrate higher, you will eventually fall. if you don't fall means you actually belong in that mmr, fairly simple.

                                                                                              if you manage to calibrate like 4.5k (assuming your starting point wasnt 5k) chaces are you might actually belong in that bracket anyway.

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