General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Fiend questions

Shadow Fiend questions in General Discussion

    would appreciate an answer from a more skilled player than myself
    1. is getting Desolator and Daedalus as your 3rd-5th items a viable option?
    2. how do you itemize against Slardar (not buy invisibility? what instead?)
    2.5. if skipping silver edge, what is the most efficient item to build if you want stats/hp?
    3. if you buy blink dagger, when should you buy it? (not minutes timing but item purchase order)
    4. when laning in 1v1, is it in general too risky to start your 3 raze combo with the melee raze and go for kill following it up with the other 2, instead of just harassing enemy with your mid and far ranged razes?

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      1.never get deso,daedalus is good for 3rd-5th item.
      2.u will use sb for initiate, so it doesnt matter if theres a slardar in game.
      2.5.dragon lance.
      3.blink dagger after eul(if ur going for eul build) otherwise after treads and aquila.
      4.always start with 2nd raze, that way if the opponent retreats u can 3rd raze if he comes near u can 1st raze.


        but you can't counter-initiate, nor escape with sb because of the slardar so the item loses a lot of potential value (do i just build manta after sb so i have a safety mechanism?),i build dragon lance anyway lol

        waga condemned getting the dagger too early tho

        but then, if your opponent retreats, you cannot kill him. and you cant kill him either if he engages you...

        thanks for reply, i guess it all depends on the situation like always

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          1. yes
          2. feel free to buy sb, slard can't ult you if he doesn't see you.
          2.5 se is really amazing for stats, no need to skip it if you're buying sb
          3. when you have the gold, usually it's euls>blink
          4. that depends on where the enemy is positioned, so use what's needed to get all 3 depending on the situation.

          obviously if kill is securable without risk, then you always go for the kill


            by skip se i mean if im not buying sb at all

            but i guess i'll be buying it

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