General Discussion

General DiscussionNo idea what Im doing wrong.

No idea what Im doing wrong. in General Discussion

    This is a smurf account created to get out of 2.5-3.5 normal skill bracket.
    Personally I can say I git gut, but leaving the toxic zone of 2-3k was impossible for me so I created a smurf. I enjoy most of my games and my winrate is 80% + however Im still stuck at high skill bracket. Im trying my best in games to see one very high skill game but still without any success. Any opionions? advices for me to get up to the next lvl?


      It's not magic bro. U have to play even better than you think you are right now

      Bosnian Blade

        just git god even more


          u need to play game fast but very careful
          if u afk lazy non think human then u cant VHS at all

          ps : BOSANSKI MAC

          Ultr144 Musashi

            Efficiency. Try to get the most out of a minute (Eternal Envy is efficient). Farm, Stack, Pull, Watch other 2 lanes, Carry a TP and make a countergank.. those are 4-5k basic moves but it gets you to the 4.2/4.6k after your callibration


              Thanks for all advices. Im happy cause first time in history I played VHS game lol.

              Lets do Science

                vhs in unranked is pretty much 2k in ranked anyway. unranked is so full of 2k smurfs who think they're better than they are its unreal.


                  Accepting that you're a trash like me is a good way to start improving
                  You're not any better than all those 2k dimwits if you can't even carry them against bunch of goons in the 2k bracket
                  Pub games are cancer I don't want to go through 100 games of them just to get the chance of recalibrating


                    You cheard me up bro :P
                    Well, getting back to pub games is something different now when I got experience with dota2. I used to play couple of years dota1 so it was quite something new for me, now I see basic mechanics of this game.
                    I jsut give it a shot for this smurf, unranked or not, still vhs B)

                    One more thing, somethin I like in unranked is I can play ALL RANDOM or pick some different hero that I wouldnt pick in ranked.

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                      If most of your games are hs then you will remain in that bracket. If you want VHS create new account and play better @


                        I dont get all the hiden mmr and all the things.
                        Now I got score of 24/11 but few games ago I had 17 wins and 4 looses with pretty decent games and still only hs. I dont know what more I could do than jsut simply win a game with good kda.


                          Bro.. Kda and win is not so important. Team contribution is.. Which means ur HERO DAMAGE, TOWER DAMAGE is the most important.
                          Look at my new acc, 40 percent win rate but all vhs, first calibration game I am at 4.3kmmr. I focus on hero damage everygame. And of course not to feed.( minimise ur death)

                          Not Saske

                            get the highest fantasy point


                              Dude, there's something I know for sure and that is, mechanical skills, hero knowledge, map awareness and KDA will only get you so far. The reason Dendi has said "MMR means nothing" (something that often gets mistranslated heavily) is because individual skill counts very little in team games. Playing with 4 completely different people, especially in pub games, complete strangers, some of whom that don't speak your language, is the real challenge of Dota. This is something I realised, even though I haven't reached the VHS bracket spamming invoker which I (used to) think was my best hero and can win any game with. Even using the chat wheel to say "Well played" or "Relax, you're doing fine" or even "Sorry" and "Thanks" can do a tremendous amount for your team. This of course, is much harder to practice than to say, which I have realised about myself, and no matter how well I do, dying once or twice in a game where I'm stomping triggers me greatly. Also, convincing your team that you can win when all outer towers have fallen and you're losing and preparing them for high ground defence is the next big challenge. Why do you think 3 9k MMRs on Team Liquid isn't enough to win them every tournament they enter? Compare this to football, and you will know that putting the best of every position on a team will do them no good, because they will speak a different language, have a different mindset and may even suffer from racial segregation from within. So the next time there's a pinoy on your team, keep calm, mute if necessary, and stick to the chat wheel!


                                tbh we are yet to see a tournament that 3 9ks liquid entered and not won.

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                                  mmr is just a number boy.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    ^talk by a dog PP guy that want the number so badly


                                      "Mmr just a number" "ha ha I'm almost 6k I'm better than you"


                                        Don't call 2-3k toxic, it's just the community that's toxic

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                                          Just calibrate and get to 3.7k mmr with ur 80% winrate, shouldn't take long