General Discussion

General Discussion3k mmr solo 3.7k mmr party help, tips and criticism appreciate

3k mmr solo 3.7k mmr party help, tips and criticism appreciate in General Discussion

    Been stuck in 3k mmr solo in past 20 games, would like to know where i need to improve.

    I used to play MID/OFFLANE and have no difficulties in 4k+mmr group games, but often playing alone its frustrating having people that don't play this game for the objetive, play for themselves and dot not care for the group at all.

    I feel i do not farm properly, have some difficult on pushing towers.

    Any kind of criticism would be accept no matter what, thanks !

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      pretty much everything


        Good Answers - how many LH do you have at 10/20/30

        Do you consider your team shit all the time?

        when you go for ganks do you wait till your team is at least 1 zone fully away and no way to tp you to?

        Do you often fight for Rune gold at the start of the game?

        What do you consider to be the game tilting moment in most of your matches?


          1)About 40 LH in 10, 80-100 LH in 20 and 200plus about 30 in some games.

          2)I do not consider all the time, i know everyone has their own difficulties and objectives playing the game.

          3)If im going for the gank ill wait for everyone for sure, that thing is most of the time they don't wait the right moment.

          4)Contest rune and rosh if it accord to the plan.

          5)When we need to play like a team and some people goes for the individual aspect.

          Not Saske

            lol, i get out from 3k bracket by seasonal mmr, i calibrate at 3,9 in seasonal mmr, then play few games, i got to 4k.

            my solo before seasonal is 3.5k, and stuck there forever because too many retard who always think "farm is the first priority, min45 is the time to push, min 0-44 is farm time, win the war, back to jungle."

            edit : forget i just 1k lul

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            1-IceTea 🌟

              I improved after cookie told something like 'you need your objectives set in X mit you need to do X'
              I also improve my own map awareness level recently.
              But my 4.6K tarding teammate won't listen to me when I type 'B' from here they coming and 80% of the time was correct,how to make tard listened to me?


                1. Try to motivate your teammates;
                2. Play supporter if neccessary;
                3. Pick meepo and 1vs9

                Not Saske

                  they don't listen to player who afk jungling for 30 min, jungle man.


                    u dont struggle in high mmr parties because theres a skill difference. either ur friends have high enough mmr that they are actually just carrying u even without u having full impact or your friends have low enough impact that youre actually just carrying them without u having full impact

                    either way youre not expected to do well in party games because the skill difference makes it easier while in solo ranked ur struggling to play your 100% in everything you do because youre not used to even skill games

                    what im saying is you need to adapt to your teammates in solo ranked because pretty much all of you have equal average skill (hence why youre in the same mmr)

                    honestly at 3k mmr u cant rely on anyone. but you can still play around and with your team most of the time

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                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^^fu I just jungle for 7 mit and I am the strongest!
                      I pay attention on everything when I in jungle,I watch every enemies behaviour and their movement!

                      ^They just need to adapt my jungle and don't use their low tier intelligence aka do what I said without thinking,and ez SHS(10K+)

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                      fear is the mind killer

                        watch the map a lot more and know when you should farm and when you should tp and fight (as a core)


                          You can easily reach 4k just with decent mechanics and by farming and split pushing. Get some heroes which youre comfortable with in each role (if you really wanna go each role 1-2, if you only go core/Support 2-3) and stay with them. Get into a Habit of watching the minimap often, like every 2-3 seconds.


                            There's a couple of things that I think you're lacking in your solo play which is probably why your MMR doesn't reflect what you think your MMR should be.
                            1. Your itemisation as PA for example is that of a 2k MMR or lower. Higher tier MMR players will go for phase, armlet, deso. You went BF BEFORE your phase and deso. This happens across multiple games that you play on that hero.
                            2. Probably decision making. I noticed that in some games you dominate and in some you don't. And in those that you don't, I can only assume that you're playing from the back, and you lack the knowledge of how to play from the back (for example pushing a lane while they are grouping up and refusing to join in the fights because you know you can't fight them anyways).
                            3. Last hits. I also noticed that your last hits are pretty mediocre or rather poor as sniper with a mael or mjollnir for example. Your farming efficiency probably needs improving.

                            As far as I know, in 2k players will expect mid to gank when you are level 6 or 7. This is a mentality from the past where Dendi plays pudge mid and ganks at lvl 6-7 when he's at his peak. This no longer applies today and many players fail to see this. Meta changes when new patches comes out. Understanding the meta is the key to winning games and coming out on top. In 3k you still get about 50% of games like that and in 4k more mid rotations are seen to give mid the advantage he needs.

                            Many people also forget that there are games when you are shut down really hard, and in those games, you probably cannot farm with minimal item progression. I have seen many pro games where, when this happens, they transition into a support role more than a carry. For example, getting wards and so on. I'm not talking about games that are on youtube, I'm talking about live games you can watch. It's pretty pointless sometimes to watch a game where a pro dominates the other team so hard they win in 20 mins, and everyone says "omg so pro" etc etc... but what about games they are NOT dominated? How do they still win games? By making sure that his support gets what he needs and be carried. (I'm pretty sure you watched games where pro gamers carry with CM or some other support, guess what? The roles can be swapped if needed).

                            Know when your hero comes online and don't jump into fights prematurely. That's just dumb. I have played with a PA that refuses to fight till she gets Abyssal (as first item). As you can imagine, that game went horribly.

                            Note: Take what I said with a pinch of salt. I haven't played in a while and has less games played than you do.

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                            Not Saske

                              It is so simple: Dota is a game where the goal of your team is to kill the ancient. You either win or you lose. You gain or lose points for whether you won or lost. Therefore your activity in game should always be directed towards this goal. Any points given for any other activity confuses the purpose of the game, and makes the ranking system, and the game itself, pointless.

                              *i quote this from reddit


                                transitioning from a carry into a support is the best way to lose games

                                solid 10/10 DT


                                  LOSE: I stayed jungle a lot more that game because we had no currier for the first 10 minutes if iam not mistaken, not to mention that OMNI just decided as last pick that he would HC the game... my farm was a disaster.

                                  ALICE: You say i need to play a role that my team doesn't have yet?

                                  DT: I recognise that my items in some games with PA wasn't the best option, maybe this could actually help.

                                  Soeeasy: Yes, i have to penetration a lot more in mini map, sometimes im trying to concentrate to have better LH`s and, last 2 games i played i did it and my game vision was much better.