General Discussion

General Discussioni am holding my team back (seriously)

i am holding my team back (seriously) in General Discussion

    after a long run of exams i am finally back to dota but it seems like i cant get used to the new map an so i consider my self the reason for my team lose for the last games so i need some help

    1- how much time shall i spend laning generally as carry and as offlaner ?
    2- what are the most important ward spots for the first 10 mins ?
    3- i am trying timbersaw now and i would like to know about his hardest counters (heroes that absolutely destroy him) ?

    thanks in advance

    Giff me Wingman

      go add me.


        If you haven't played in a while then I suggest avoiding ranked and playing unranked till you get used to the changes.

        1) Depends on your hero and the game. In general this patch rewards fighting and pushing more than afk farming so you shouldn't sit passively in your lane past 10 minutes. If you have a hero who can fight early you should leave before then.

        2) Lots of youtube videos on it. You mostly want vision of at least one river rune and then you need to have vision of the jungle area near your lane to avoid ganks and see when enemies are pulling or going for bounty runes or something.

        3) Silences and magic nukers. In lane you are countered by strong laning ranged heroes and also Monkey King (although he doesn't counter you as hard later on)


          thank you very much TheMaverick427 for your help

          @Danishblunt believe me it took me around month just not to lose trace on VHS players in fights from spectator view so NO thank you :)

          Giff me Wingman

            alright, ur loss, gl


              Timber is dogshit. Don't pick him.

              Cheap Laugh Guy


                We have shrines now (The earlier and more people use it together the better) Thus, double offlane 212 is stronger

                The map is broken into pieces and there are more holes and paths everywhere for you to roam freely
                More trees and high grounds, avoiding vision is easier for me now

                wards are less important but you ward more defensive and closer to the lane in first 10 mins somewhere beside the trees on highground
                cliff wards are seriously good when t1 is down and you wanna be offensive, because they navigate the area around shrine where people TP a lot
                But the jungle to river cliffs are blocked by TALLER trees, you can't have full vision on the mid shrine so it's less the worth

                I got used to it in like 10 games and it's pretty fun, however I don't spend time remembering the talents

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