General Discussion

General DiscussionNo perma ban

No perma ban in General Discussion

    Dont you think its about time valve start perma banning people for buying accounts ?
    Valve has the means to check if account logged in from a different location and the change in style and keys.
    Besides its clear this player belongs to this bracket 10/10


      Just give me my prime matchmaking and i'm good to go


        that would be bad for people who travel a lot like me since i have to log in from different cities/countries

        casual gamer

          i have difficulty taking you seriously mr numbers


            Not really for account buying.. Maybe for intentionally ruining too many games.

            Also, what's prime matchmaking ?


              Prime Matchmaking, in the short, is linking your phone to your account (main) so you will be matched with other players who are playing on their main account. This limits the amount of hackers/smurfs/account buyers/etc. from appearing in your lobbies because they will have to either use their phone number for that extra account or use their real account where they really belong.

              I think its still in beta for CSGO matchmaking


                Sounds legit


                  it doesnt actually violate any rules

                  Giff me Wingman

                    LoL not even sure if that account is bought. It's just abused. The guy played against bots in his calibration games.


                      it violates some part of the steam agreement i believe

                      but this issues so fucking unimportant that i dont know why people care. every time it gets to the front page of reddit, its some guy who had his last game ruined by an account buyer, then 50000 people claim their mmrs fucked because of acc buyers every game when its just normal ppl not being arteezy in 3k mmr

                      ive literally run into 4-5 accoutns that were bought in the past 2 years and ive played like 2000-3000 matches over that span in high mmr so theres no way this is a real issue, but the amount of toxic shitheads who call other ppl acc buyers/peruvians/russians is fucking insane


                        ^thats indeed right

                        there are barely any acc buyers (1/1500 games for me), and they mostly give you free mmr (5/9 chance for him to br against you rather than with you).
                        the pathetic part is when those tards who call every1 acc buyers fuck up the games and play just as bad as ppl they were flaming, but somehow they always find excuses for themselves, still blaming others - supports didnt ward, mid went 0-1, offlane didnt stomp the lane, heroes were picked poorly, etc.


                          i havent read steam agreement, does it say u cant give ur acc to any1 else?
                          it certainly prohibits any money transactions, but this part is not visible for any1 besides the buyer/seller, and no one gives a shit.


                            it does violate a lot of rules

                            You may not reveal, share or otherwise allow others to use your password or Account except as otherwise specifically authorized by Valve. You are responsible for the confidentiality of your login and password and for the security of your computer system. Valve is not responsible for the use of your password and Account or for all of the communication and activity on Steam that results from use of your login name and password by you, by any person to whom you may have intentionally or by negligence disclosed your login and/or password in violation of this confidentiality provision, or by any other person who fraudulently used your login and password without your permission.


                            Your Account, including any information pertaining to it (e.g.: contact information, billing information, Account history and Subscriptions, etc.), is strictly personal. You may therefore not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account, nor may you sell, charge others for the right to use, or transfer any Subscriptions other than if and as expressly permitted by this Agreement (including any Subscription Terms or Rules of Use) or as otherwise specifically permitted by Valve.

                            but like kr said, it's just an excuse, last time i've actually ran into an acc buyer was like a year ago and he was on the enemy team, before that i got one on my team, and i actually won that game.

                            you'll see them 1 in 20000 players

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                            I am sick of your pignoyness

                              that player lost his marbles.


                                read what u posted attentively, it has a very different meaning to what u think, apparently


                                  m u just didnt read at all the quotes u posted, idk


                                    what did i not read properly, i mean you can cut out half of the first quote it cus it doesn't matter to acc selling/buying but the rest is fine

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                                      Lmao diox where did you learn that phrase ?


                                        You met him again in one of your games today, 10/10 luck :D