towers-matters much less because of fucking shrines imo. i think dire top t2 and radiant mid/top t2 are the best to kill because they are the closest to the big jungle, meaning the enemy is slower to react to smoke ganking the enemy carry. the sidelanes are in general a million times safer to splitpush (ur not surrounded) and offer more gold kinda because theyre way longer
its a good idea to fight rosh if you can win, if you have strong teamfight ultimates, if you know they are roshing before or when they start, or if they have a SLOW ROSHING LINEUP. its bad to rosh if they can finish the rosh before you get there, even in 5k some games thrown because retards run into a 5v5+aegis at the pit. stealing it is nice but only reliable with extended vision spell like AA ult, flare, ta trap, mine,treant tree
smoke ganking is good if you have 1 hero showing in map, or if the lanes are pushed out, or if you can predict where a hero is. some lineups are more vulnerable to smoke ganks that others. many smoke opportunities are lost if the smoke is not ready in your inventory
how to know enemies position -- if you show on the lane as a split pusher hero they will be there 15 seconds later, unless they have committed to a fight elsewhere. jungle your hero and push the lane out by last hitting creeps with your wolves. Then, tell your team to smoke or some shit (or get lucky), enemy team fights 4v5 while their lane is pushed, lycan gets 2 towers or 1 tower + rax
many games on lycan you dont need to rat so much, ur hero is so strong you just rosh and 5 man down lanes with op spell howl
i'd add in that t1 towers are so bad that almost always you should just drop them and let the enemy take it unless you have some really good way of defending it.
but realistically just drop them and trade with the enemy
man pick this
Drow Voker Beastmaster riki/sk roams and some good suport like lion sd etc...
the point in dota this path is to take Ll t2 towers and kill shrines( they are not easy to destroy which is dangerous but worth trying definitely)
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i need advice from a mighty blue star in how to make a good decision when trading objectives like
what are the most important towers that must be taken down?
when it is a good idea to contest roshan ?
when i should think that smoke ganking at one point of the game is good?
i like lycan a lot but in my last games i feel like i am afraid of rating because i don't have a good idea about enemies positions, is there few tricks to fairly guess where they are or it is just practice?
thanks in advance