General Discussion

General Discussionpick slardar my 2k friend scrubs

pick slardar my 2k friend scrubs in General Discussion

    slardar is so good no one knows how to counter him really fun to play and crush people. Me like slardar


      Countered by literally every hero that can kite.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        How many heroes can really kite though?
        All I can think of is Venomancer.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          And Viper.


            you don't kite a slardar, what are you talking about

            slardar's job is jump in, stun and ult

            then run back and let carry do the dps

            any slardar with a brain won't show himself before blinking+ stunning

            no one is gonna kite a slardar

            Fee Too Pee

              Someone teach me slardar offlane pls.

              Literally i cannot farm dagger after boots and be useless sprinting slug


                what you wanna know, just hit creeps and that's it

                casual gamer


                  casual gamer

                    to farm dagger buy treads qb/talon, take hp regen perk and spend several minutes punching neutral creeps


                      you ask your team to rotate after tranquils and you try to get a kill on safelaner(or support at least) so you get some gold if kill happens, you can rotate to that "small" jungle when you are close to dagger to just make sure that you get it safely and not get ganked and fucked. well my advice is shit but thats what i do and i win some at least.

                      Fee Too Pee

                        My problem with his farming , is sustain.... i have no idea how to sustain with him at all. Mana pool to small for wave clear with skill 2. Easily harrased , escape with sprint hurts more. I wonder how slardars get daggers at 12 - 14 minute. And he jungle slowly.


                          btw ive got regen in only 1 game so far,cuz 175 mana is really helpful,after blink i almost never go back to farming i just blink stun non stop and we are going with team all the time seeking for kills You have shrines for sustain,yea he is slow at farming jungle but it is safe way of farming the blink as fast as possible and if you really cant alive you can get that +6 regen talent for it.

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                            ^I thought tranquil is the way offlane slardar being played (?)
                            Talon and ganking mid early on should get u blink

                            Fee Too Pee

                              Any tips in item build? Stout ring to tranq to wand to dagger?

                              My problem always in get dagger early what you do pre dagger

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                                tranq is better imo

                                you can keep a teleport and join fights quickly and get some stuns off


                                  i use standard build:

                                  stout + tranq + windlace + alternatively also an iron talon if im kicked out of lane

                                  then i get blink donger


                                    tranq is better i think treads are more for safelane slardar which is dead anyway already. Im under 2k so its pretty rough to go for early rotations i cant look at that map so effectively im focusing on laning and getting lasthits for tranqs into blink asap

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                                      Later its good to go for blightstone and teardrops,im going force staff as my 2nd item i can save ppl with it,or disengage myself

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        How about magic wand? Is it worth to buy before dagger? Mana pool and health sustain slardar is crap even with tranq


                                          if your against spammy hero like pa, or if you have problems surviving of course you can buy it although i use branches bought in start for double tango duration, often stick is enough i think. starting build includes faerie fire also btw

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                                            Inb4 you pick slardar and your team picks 4 nuker xd


                                              maybe,its 2k u never know.. :D

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                                                U pick slad to win. I pick anything in ns to win :)


                                                  Honestly i love slardar player. Easy rosh easy killing enemy


                                                    Don't worry
                                                    Even in 3k people pick AM and meepo after I pick void after morphling

                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                      ^ more like first pick AM and enemy instantly pick PA and slardar and proceed to blame team lul


                                                        Slardar's a brilliant hero, much love for it.

                                                        Story Time

                                                          and yet too many bad slardar players out there :(