General Discussion

General DiscussionAsking SEA server boys about LAG SPIKE lately

Asking SEA server boys about LAG SPIKE lately in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Just want to ask you guys that play in SEA

    I am playing in SEA server from Indonesia

    And lately the quality of my games SUCKS (lag)

    My ping fine 40..... but Packet loss range from 40 - 100 LMAO

    Is it only me or some boys from SEA experience this too?

    and my last game my internet connect , i already ingame, but omfg it really makes me mad.
    my dota always searching for dota 2 coordinator despite i already ingame

    My hero blinking when moving (freeze lag) , i cannot even see my spells (cannot see my ice and snowball i just invisible suddenly) , someone killed and announced 15 seconds later. My ping only 100

    or anyone know how to fix this problem ??? lately this lag spike ALWAYS bothering like everyday

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      Think it's Indog exclusive, (and I'm sure it is not our ISP's fault) it happens way too often smh

      Fee Too Pee

        yo no need to say "indog" bro not cool . thx anyway


          Happens time to time for me..Haven't played recently though..

          ` N e y a

            Got the same prob too


              Same problem like ya... And I visit Single Draft from time to time..
              Dota has problems connecting with servers from time to time..and I dunno why.


                indo exclusive, steam don't care about indo

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  monkey king makes me lag.the game just freezes when he casts ulti.

                  Fee Too Pee

                    @arissa is it literally like very often now to you (like everyday , 5 days lag a week)? from which country are you?

                    Fee Too Pee

                      asking SEA player ingame they do not have problem , but my friends from indonesia lagged like me. frickin Indonesia cannot even connect properly now feelsbadman ( i am actually so angry when play , unplayable , even abandoned cannot enjoy at all)

                      B O R I P 👺

                        Me play with tethered wifi, using 4g ooredoo...feeling the same as you brotha :(


                          No problem, only viruses here in Pinoyland.


                            Playing DOTA2 with ooredoo is like first picking jungle void every game without knowing how to jungle


                              300 ping to SEA today. generally get 90. No ranked matches in India and dubai