General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i get high skill or very skill?

How can i get high skill or very skill? in General Discussion
ShoW Me What Do u Have?

    Guys how can i get high skill or very high skill games?
    If some one know it help me please

    commends swapper

      you need to KKKKYS

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        How tu git VHS 10001

        Pale Mannie



            3200 or 3700 solo mmr respectively


              When you start dota gives you a hidden mmr number for your unranked if you have another acc it will take that, that's why when a higher skill player starts their acc they will auto be in VHS and if a low
              Skill mmr player makes a smurf you'll start at normal skill, however, it's easy to get VHS.
              My last smurf took me 3 games, just stomp hard. That's about it, but tbh sometimes you get fucked if your team abandons it will still count towards you. But you don't need VHS just learn new things, coming back to this acc after awhile I really can understand why low skill
              Players are low skill. So if you are making the same mistakes I see in the games in 2k then you'll stay in normal skill.


                By getting good
                Your farm on your recent games are tremendously horrible, you can start by fixing that


                  You need to ask for Apoo's guidance he's such a good carry best ive ever seen i suspect he's Miracle sometimes feelsblackman