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General DiscussionAnother K thread

Another K thread in General Discussion

    i just want to got the lul in 1k bracket, but it turn out like this
    22K bld 110k dmg as SF
    sad things why i have my lifetime records in my friend acc
    pls K


      Well played, smurf.

      Can't wait to see you back in 2k.


        my main acc mmr is 3,6k why i'll back to 2k? lul


          but, i make this smurf after dropped from 3,6 to 3,4 in 2 days
          so maybe you're right. based on 1k gpm ta theorem i'll back to 2k in 2 weeks
          sad life
          you make me think
          i'm gonna cry now


            Its ok. I am also used to get carried :)


              Let's use the theory of the 1k TA god
              My MMR increases 25 everyday, that means I'll reach 5k 78 days.......
              Makes sense so good


                Well you actually got lul from the match
                Tinker bought octarine