General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the new Sven build?

What's the new Sven build? in General Discussion
Chicken Face

    Now that HOtD has been massively reworked and is no longer viable on Sven, what's the new way to play him? I will admit that I am a horrible player with the Dota IQ of an autistic molerat having a stroke, so the likelihood of me figuring out a viable new Sven build on my own is 0/100. I would imagine you can justify more early levels of storm hammer now and play him a little more aggressive in the early game, especially if you have a lane partner that also has a stun to try and net some early kills to make up for his inability to farm the jungle so fruitfully. However, I could be completely off base with these assumptions, so I am curious what better players than myself think.

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      Armlet > echo > bkb > blink. Maybe go MoM instead of echo. Or u can go boots > heart > heart > heart. He has armor so shud stack as much hp as possible. And his ulti benefits from base dmg Kappa.


        Either mask of death echo blink bkb or mom armlet blink bkb


          Bumped because legit Dota 2 thread.


            Just get an empty morbid mask, and sell it later when you need to 6 slot.


              probably armlet + morbid(or mom) + regular items

              M u r d e r

                or upgrade the morbid mask to satanic since you know strength scales with gods strength and satanic is one of the more efficients str items.


                  And proceed to have fun running around like a headless chicken because you are getting kited.


                    It is usually a dilemma between mom and Echo

                    Riguma Borusu

                      satanic is one of the moST INefficient str items



                        It still gives more dmg than it used to. I think its like total 60 dmg.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          satanic = 125 damage to sven at lvl 18
                          heart = 135 damage to sven at lvl 18

                          I like the change because it no longer gives sven something he has a fuckton of (armor) but something that might come in handy with his crits especially (more damage than it used to)

                          also there's no reason to go heart because 'it gives more damage' anymore

                          btw satanic is inefficient because there are more efficient str items out there, armlet being a prime example

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                          M u r d e r

                            Satanic is efficient if looking not only at the strength, of course. While it's still the item with 2nd largest STR amount, the 200% lifesteal is amazing on Sven and that's the primary reason you buy it anyway.

                            M u r d e r

                              actually, the str/gold efficient item top chart goes like this:
                              1. Armlet
                              3. Sange
                              4. Dragon Lance
                              5. Satanic

                              and the only item out of these a lategame Sven wants to have is Satanic.... But until then armlet seems like a must now that I agree with.


                                Armlet is a must have
                                You get either MoM or echo after that
                                Rest is default

                                M u r d e r

                                  How about Sange, is it too much of a slot waster?


                                    SnY sven throwback


                                      SnY? What year is it?


                                        mom sukss balz, go str treads armlet echo dagger daedalus and stuff bkb situational
                                        use vlads instead if u are not pusayy


                                          @Sielos Vagis
                                          actually, the str/gold efficient item top chart goes like this:
                                          1. Bracer
                                          2. Ogre Club
                                          3. Magic Wand
                                          4. Armlet
                                          5. Reaver

                                          M u r d e r

                                            come on i mean actual item

                                            if we're being that thorough, gauntlets of strength/iron branch is top 1.


                                              armlet mom blink ( no sabre)

                                              Chicken Face

                                                I think you guys are all wrong and I should just rush Skadi and butterfly before boots... Jokes aside, I suppose I'll have to try to master armlet toggling now since that seems like an absolutely core item in the current meta. I think they should make an item that somehow combines the effects of armlet and MoM, it would be the ultimate risk vs reward item.

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                                                  6 slotted with iron branches Kappa


                                                    I hope people stop saying Kappa in 2017. Nothing personal because I know it's just reflex at this point

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                                                      I like going treads, mask, echo, blink, crit, then mkb/satanic or what ever situational item you need this time around


                                                        Armlett...... jesus they need to remove that damn item so people stop building it.

                                                        If you fight with an armlet its hp drain negates the bonus health in 11 seconds. If a fight lasts more than 11 seconds the armlet becomes a + dmg item that kills your hp.

                                                        If the fight last 20 seconds the armlet has capped you 400 healtb for 60 dmg.

                                                        Why would you spend 2375 i think on an item like that unless it synergizes with something like huskar passive or wraith kings live steal.

                                                        A crsytalys provides better DPS in a fight, and if a fight lasts longer the armelts health addition is then negated

                                                        A 20 second fight makes an armlet basically a handicap.

                                                        And again buying it just to toggle for gods strength is not more dps than just buy a crystalys.




                                                            Echo blink crystalis bkb daedalus most of the time... sometimes crystalis before blink, but depend. ...

                                                            M U R D E R

                                                              I dont mormally play sven, but when i do, i like going for tteads morbid blink echo crysalis mithrill hammer
                                                              Then its all up to you, satanic bloodthorn or bkb daedalus, whatever

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                SANGE POGCHAMP


                                                                  why is helm no longer viable on sven? attack speed and regen is nice
                                                                  armlet + hotd sounds good imo
                                                                  you can stack ancients every 2 minutes and no one will block them

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