General Discussion

General Discussionabout farming

about farming in General Discussion
4pos pudge/grim only

    so ive been practicing this 300 last hit challenge in bot games and most of the time i can get that done and games usually finished at ~25 minutes and i have no problem getting 1k+ gpm in bot matches. but in the after-match overview, i usually got like 5.5 points in farming whereas i got like flat 10 for pushing and fighting (usual games end with 325+ LH at 30 minutes). what i want to know is how can i ever get like a near perfect score in farming coz i know if i suck at farming in bot games, then i have no chances of doing better in real games. have anyone playing bot games get that perfect farming score? let me know your techniques please.

    Riguma Borusu

      Scores are arbitrary, lycan, bs and necro are always 10/10 supports


        It's bullshit
        Btw fuck that challenge
        600 LH / 30 min is the shit


          thats low...
          i can get almost 500 in 34 35 min sven or naga and can get 900 in 49 min with naga in VHS game

          4pos pudge/grim only

            @2k hp treants yea maybe it is but necro heals a lot throughout the game so he gonna naturally get perfect score for supporting. i mean even playing as alchemist cant get a solid 8+, then idk what it takes to be a perfect farmer in the bot games

            @bws some good am player barely got 550+ in 40 minutes. how tf you gonna farm 600+ in 30m xd

            4pos pudge/grim only

              @katz yep i know its pretty bad but 300+ lh already make my hero strong enough to just end the game. idk i guess i suck


                I forgot to add the challenge was supposed to be done in empty lobby
                Helps you to find good farming pattern


                  300 LH in a lobby in 30 min???, how is that a even close to a challenge?

                  600 is easy, 800+ is the actual challenge

                  especially with the new map, you can get like 900+ probably

                  as a good AM player i got 1.2k in 50 minutes in a real game

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                    "In a real game"
                    You mean a NS pub game lmao


                      Depends on your team really(space) and your skill, micro. Stacking and farming with hero and illusions. Some range supports can stack two camps at once now.


                        600 is too easy 800+ is what 4k mmr player get. In bot game i normally got 700lh in 30 min as am

                        4pos pudge/grim only

                          guys pls im just a ns guy go easy on me pls. i just finished another test with sven and managed to get 550 in 35 minutes (i actually can do this if using some good farmer like sven and am). thats actually pretty high to me although i know some of you vhs players can farm more than this against real humans and i totally envy that so much. regarding the 300+ in 30, im using heroes that kinda ok at farming like sniper, necro, and razor. so im not expecting to get even more than 400+ at 30 minutes. maybe it possible to get 600+ at 30 with am by sending one manta illusions farming one lane, and one farming the jungle and the real me tp to other lane to farm, but with heroes like i mentioned earlier, idk. if you guys have any time to spare, can someone do a 500+ in 30 with okay-ish farmer like sniper and razor in their bot match? i would love to farm better with these hero but i need someone to show me the right way to do it.

                          @bws empty lobby means? just me alone? and no filler bots? or its the same as normal "practice with bots" game?


                            Even with sniper you should be able to get +400 in 30 min. I do that every time vs bot. You got 550 in 35 min is very bad in bot match unless you got 2 rampages like me.

                            casual gamer

                              sniper farms a million times faster than razor i believe


                                CK farm lul


                                  but lobby farm means u start farm with 6 slots or with tango stou ?

                                  casual gamer

                                    normal gold with free courier

                                    its kind of stupid because in real games

                                    1 playing for cs total isnt playing to win

                                    2 half the time farming ancients is more gpm but they lower your creep/min

                                    Jonas Kahnwald
                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                      casual gamer

                                        not rly impressive sorry


                                          49 min u had 770 cs
                                          49 min i have 900 and last 4 mins was trying to finish game lul

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                                            getting high cs and winning the game are two different things. winning the game involves getting high cs but not the ONLY factor that can win you games. Btw its depends on heroes that you play with. 300 is good on some heroes but on heroes that can farm fast 500 is decent by 30 minutes. improve farming patterns. in real games anyways you are not the only hero that is taking resources of the map.

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                            rice cake

                                              I got 800 cs in 49 min game
                                              tho its normal skill :v, but still farming pattern is farming pattern.
                                              And i think I'm Katz is lying. His record is only 14 lh/min sven game
                                              while in above game i got 16 lh/min.


                                                You DO know that Katz has at least 3 accounts, right?