General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 3k

Road to 3k in General Discussion



      MMR isn't updated,wut?


        show mmr on your dota 2 profile and play a game

        sometimes it updates instantly, sometimes it glitches and takes 2 games


          Owh ok thnx cookie



            so whats happening to those guys u picked

            im fucking curious


              new patch broke the method, literally impossible to do it now.

              a big part of it was an easy and fast jungle pattern, without that i'd need to teach them to lane.

              and that takes time and removes the easiness from the trick

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                i thought winning your lane was also a big part of it

                so i guess u were just gonna teach them the farming patterns

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Ha jungle, did u copy me cookie boy?

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                    Around 3 games tonight guys,stay tune for The Road to 3k Show!


                      Good luck on your road to 3k, hopefully I too, will get my blue star after a few more games


                        Ty Ren,gl to 5k to u!


                          Count me in the race too boys just hit 2.2k from 1.3k.


                            I haven't touched MMR ever since 7.00 came


                              @HueHueHue @bws

                              Lets race bois 3k gaming

                              The Medic Guy

                                can i get blue star with 5k party rank?

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                                  I already reached 3k when I traded account
                                  The problem is, it's only 25 mmr higher now


                                    Think I should play support more tbh
                                    Picking core on 3rd pick and hoping the other 2 won't last pick AM is so unreliable
                                    Plus 3k has neverending stock of "okay" core players


                                      Lol wait me then xD

                                      Dotoboffo race to 4k PogChamp


                                        Just first pick,like i do.Works like a charm kappa


                                          Seriously tho,i did first pick every game


                                            Juggernaut gets banned every game
                                            AM gets banned every game and not worth first picking
                                            I pick faceless void first into 3 man melee cores against silences SeemsGood
                                            First picking spectre is dumb af
                                            My SF is rusty
                                            My storm is rusty
                                            PA is uhh..... Starts to get countered in 3k?
                                            I'm so unversatile I'm crying


                                              Haha lmao,well random and hope for the best xD

                                              Just like my last game


                                                Believe it or not I can play ember spirit better than I can play SB lmao


                                                  i challenge u to a race


                                                    And i still looking for my one true favourite hero,FeelsBadMan


                                                      Lalisa stomping noob lmao


                                                        PA is your favourite hero
                                                        Stop trying to hide the fact that you are a scrub and thinks she's cute, awesome, strong af, and impossible to counter like nearly every single PA picking scrub in DOTA2 existence


                                                          Sorry that was my sister
                                                          Moody today


                                                            Lmao PA is a my meme pick xD

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              what!? when I was 3.8K you are 4.2K. When I 4.2K you 4.4K and now I middle 4K you already near 5k! ?

                                                              Stop running I want to hunt u down!
                                                              and GJ u are climbing as fast as I did u Kappa boy


                                                                U guys can suggest me one hero,and i will use it once today on ranked


                                                                  @1IceTea, now im motivated to play rank now, haha. Lets play some games sometime, Teach me your jungling ways.


                                                                    Magic shall not prevail


                                                                      To master the art of the ricing fields one shall deny all magic by picking anti-mage
                                                                      To start off, pick anti-mage every game and take the middle lane
                                                                      In order to vanquish the magic wielding scum you must first build the appropriate items (fuck u VG rush without boots into brown boots BF reported who the fuck started this dogshit meta)
                                                                      But the most important step by far is to become anti-mage, you must delve into his lore and understand this deep and complex character
                                                                      Once you are ready you can defeat the magic lord


                                                                        Wait gonna copypaste some AM meme


                                                                          What time does AM stops farming?
                                                                          3 AM

                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟




                                                                              The only way to become a true AM player is to have Alice's set for AM aka peasant AM


                                                                                My only set is the mk set for pl where he gets an mkb staff and becomes monkey king long before they announced him. Then there is some shitty omni one and the huskar immortal cuz it was 70 cents so i said fuck it.


                                                                                  U are poor af


                                                                                    thirsty af too.


                                                                                      Yes. Yes i am. My dad rlly rlly hates dota. The man cant even play call of duty and i tell him its supposed to be a rlly easy pick-up-and-play game


                                                                                        Basically he wont let me spend money in games and i dont bother asking


                                                                                          I'm the most dedicated player i know.I take pubs just as seriously as if it was finals at TI.I never give up.
                                                                                          Playing against megas?I keep playing.Down 4 kills?I keep playing.Half of your team afk in the base?I keep playing.Why?Because i'm Anti Mage.

                                                                                          This hero is the ultimate 1 vs 9 hero.If played correctly,u literally cannot lose with this hero.You may be thinking that if u play any hero correctly u can't lose either,but that's simply not true.Anti Mage is unique with this characteristic.

                                                                                          I go safelane.I farm.The offlaner tries to contest but i'm too good.I blink on him.I trade.I back off.We both salve up.He's got no mana.
                                                                                          I've won the lane,like always.I am Anti Mage.
                                                                                          Nothing matters more than farm.I control the lane.I.m farming so close to my tower that i'm impossible to gank.I can't die.I will nvr die.

                                                                                          16 minutes.Battlefury,Power Treads,Poor Man's Shield,Vladmir's Offering.I've already won.Nothing can stop me but myself.I am fearless.I push out lanes.I take towers.I force rotation.I am Anti Mage.Thousands of calculations going on in my head.I keep track of their glyph,five individual teleport scroll cooldowns,how much each enemy is farming and when they will have specific items,relative positions of both courier etc.I cannot lose now.Manta,Heart,Butterfly,Abyssal.I've not finished farming.

                                                                                          "Fucking AM picker,no skill"
                                                                                          The flame only fuels me.
                                                                                          "Wow nice work AM u took their rax"
                                                                                          I don't need ur praise peasant.I'm fucking Anti Mage.The rest of my "team" is irrelevant.They only get in my goal.
                                                                                          The enemy ancient.

                                                                                          Moonshard,Boots of Travel 2.I buy the wards,the gem are on me.I take the throne.I've won the game.900
                                                                                          GPM.Pathetic.I could do better.I'm not trying hard enough.I have failed.

                                                                                          "Match found".I pick Anti Mage.I am Anti Mage.


                                                                                            ROFL that was actually a good read 10/10 copypasta


                                                                                              Nice copypasta steal of frey557's tinker video. Not even the right hero


                                                                                                Commend me xD

                                                                                                clueless clown

                                                                                                  That waa cringy as f


                                                                                                    33% AM winrate dank af