General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for Techies 7.00

Tips for Techies 7.00 in General Discussion

    The techies has been reworked in 7.00 changing his land mines into proximity mines, stasis stun into root, and suicide into blast off. Have you guys got any tips to play him now?


      Solo offlane


        put bombs oanywhere everytime its off cd


          idk if this is the correct way to play him but yes solo offlane is the way to go, you can deal fucktons of damage if u hide ur mines behind trees and blasting them off for a kill

          after that u dont afk plant, u join fights because remotes have their cast point improved, + blast off is a very potent spell

          also if ur area denying try to make a pattern of 6 land mines with a stasis in the middle, this way if they ever get stunned in the middle all 6 land mines would explode in their face

          ive tried playing around with veil but tbh its underwhelming, just go arc soul ring lens euls aghs then blow people up

          Johnny Rico

            With so much high ground you can dominate the map, go offlane and put mines in the middle of the trees, stasis is now pretty good, since it is instant, get 1 point in early game to get a safe retreat, with tranquils and soulring, you can spam your 9/11 to move and even to run, plus is teamfight that shit is good since it silences.

            Because fo the play style diference his ult mines arent that good anymore, your main ones still can clear creep waves for a long time iwth the 700 magic dmg, so maybe you dont go aghs anymore, just have ult mines if you are getting pushed, or it is a base race.

            I would go for tranquils, euls,soul ring/blyatstone, atos, octarine, bloodthorne.


              270 ms as a solo off is bad since ull get eaten by the carry at least on high mmr, safelane sup is a way to go