General Discussion

General DiscussionLion Aghs

Lion Aghs in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Why exactly is it frowned upon, in general? Ult is not the reason you'd pick lion by a longhot anyway (you either get him to destroy illusions, for instant disable or pseudo ravage, pretty much, unless you're against something like enchantress where you want that finger of death), but why does every good player (basically) say it's bad?

    It's getting buffed bit by bit almost every patch so at this point it has a big enough AoE to actually hit multiple heroes, and turns a lion from a pseudo-ravage specialist into a hero that can dish out ridiculous burst damage. Naturally, good players won't clump up against a lion with aghs (or lion at all), but it should still be possible to double the value of your ult in fights if you catch at least two people with it.

    I guess before it was really bad because by the time you got it, people would get to have a fuckton of HP from all the stats and you're most likely pretty poor because you have a farming ability but it isn't the best, but as of now supports get shitloads of money and I can definitely see it as viable that lion gets his blink/forcestaff/euls/ghost and still manage to fit an aghs into his build. Also, it does not pierce spell immunity so you mostly get to finger either people very much out of position or those you've already stunned, who may as well be dead because your carries have jumped them with your aid.

    So, why is it frowned upon, and is it still really bad, with those changes? Damage itself does not scale, but I guess things have changed a bit since a lot of heroes will miss the 400 HP everyone had extra at lvl 25.

    I'd seriously prefer only blue stars to answer this because I am already aware that lion aghs is literally OP in normal skill.

    meteor hammer

      its too expensive to afford in all but the very most unusual circumstances, blink force glimmer ghost etc all have much higher impact for less gold and cheaper components

      if i have blink or aether i might get ogre + PB before the game is essentially over in 6.88, unless im crushing hard and then its a useless win more item, wheras for half cost i could save my carries life or live after hitting a dodgy earth spike

      idk theres more gold + xp now

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      Soul Eater

        purge said its pretty good for the cooldown reduction

        i think if you have midas and take the gpm passive, you'd be able to afford it in 40+min game i think


          It's good. But it's just not
          Game winning for the gold


            There are way more cheaper and useful items
            If you need to handle illusions you can just get shiva or veil anyway, if those items are not enough you'd lose the game anyway


              Buying aghs on supports is really situational in general


                Ok when you pick lion your role in the game is to keep landing your disables while your other cores deal the dmg. So items like force blink shadowblade glimmer are all extremely good, especially since you are a key target in fights so u have to be slippery. Survivability as supports practically never comes from straight bulking up, that shit never works unless you are some str support/ogre /warlock

                And even when u have force blink it's not enough, stuff like bots eul etc are way more important, only situation where aghs is good is when you have bad wave clearing cores


                  i saw it against heavy illusions (tb/pl), and sometimes with a magnus on the team. besides that, this item's pretty useless, i think.


                    not to mention the lvl 25 multi mana drain already helps with dealing with illusions