General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to push against level 25 Sniper

How to push against level 25 Sniper in General Discussion

    +20 Shrapnel DPS
    -25% Cooldown
    +4 Shrapnel charge

    Hoho haha came back to the game


      Dont let sniper farm up to level 25

      Erdal Kömürcü

        get blink jump on him then punish

        Riguma Borusu

          "Dont let sniper farm up to level 25"

          haha nice joke

          everyone's level 25 nowadays

          meteor hammer

            you cant blink on him

            its impossible to break hg against sniper without specific heroes like spectre or storm spirit unless he has a 20k NW disadvantage


              Ward and de-ward around the base so that they are completely blind and you know the moment they come out. Keep lanes pushed and take rosh whenever possible. Only push when you have rosh or have gotten a pickoff or two. If they have big ults, try and barely go in to bait out the ults. Then actually go in on another lane when the ults are down.

              But this just general stuff. Hopefully they can't hold this too long and turtle better then you.

              Riguma Borusu

                the only thing that's semi-viable is being able to push all lanes at once, because there's only one sniper on the team, or (as jdf said) have a hero that can easily initiate on sniper and kill him


                  if he has that much shrapnel then do the same kinda anti tinker troll blademail, where everyone blademails in shrapnel to kill him.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    if he has that much shrapnel then do the same kinda anti tinker troll blademail, where everyone blademails in shrapnel to kill him.



                      Thx? I guess?


                        the only hero that beats sniper in high ground defense for wanting to end yourself is techies. I've had 90 minute games, where my team built around early pickoffs that lead into early raxes, into game, but we started fountain diving before taking out the last Melee baracks vs a sniper techies

                        仙道 "ZL." クリストフ

                          all smoke + blink dagger
                          definitely counter sniper (y)

                          meteor hammer

                            if they stack sniper with techies or medusa you might as well get ready for a 90 minute shit show if the players have brains and nobody raxes by 30 minutes


                              Since i just played sniper to def HG against mega creeps,yeah you need to somehow jump on him

                              2k indog monkey

                                Starve them by pushing all 3 lanes while farming both of the jungle
                                Push when you have an aegis or after you found a pickoff
                                A good sniper won't let himself getting initiated by blink dagger
                                And of course, pick heroes that can jump on sniper quickly

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  all smoke + blink dagger
                                  definitely counter sniper (y)

                                  Yeah, great fucking job, now initiate on somebody who is deep in their base and stands away from your blink range, plus he also has teammates who are able to counterinitiate in case you jump on him. When you play sniper, if you're in a base defense position you can actually buy a rapier a lot of the time if they can't jump you, in case you wipe them and they have no buybacks, you can go for the GG push, and in case they do have buybacks, you just keep killing them until they lose all grasp of reality. The general issue is that they can still farm the whole map in case you're cornered in your base, which can still mean you lose after defending for an hour. At some point the enemy team just might build to be able to just hit the buildings without giving a damn about you, which is unnaturally hard because you can do a fuckton of damage.

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                    U say gg we afk after 50 min into the game , smoke then the sniper will push the lane , ez kill

                                    very good csgo player

                                      Pudge counter sniper mid ez katka blyat