General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavior Score dropped 4000 points!!

Behavior Score dropped 4000 points!! in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    How in the fuck is that even possible?! I have not abandoned or afk'd in ages!

    I had a Behavior Score of 9064 and it dropped to 8640.

    It would explain the amount of toxic teammates I have been getting, but even when my Behavior Score was 9k, I still got feeding toxic fgts. Does this score really mean little to nothing as far as matchmaking goes?


      I think your math is slightly off


        I think your math is very off LOL

        clueless clown

          May want to recalculate

          i have 5 reports to use



              how to check beh score? and whats this? ive seen it before here but im not sure




                B. score captures your cam and mic to watch how you behave during a dota round. If you get aggresive ot leave the keyboard it drops

                Riguma Borusu

                  boo hoo somebody reported you

                  tough shit


                    probably cuz u play really good so they all report u XD

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      I meant 400 loool My math was far off lool


                        Your typing was far off.


                          Click bait title. Check your math fool

                          2k indog monkey

                            I'm 1200 btw haha