General Discussion

General DiscussionNew patch growing on people?

New patch growing on people? in General Discussion

    So like the vast majority of experienced Dota 2 players my immediate reaction to the patch was very negative. 6.88 was one of the most balanced and fun patches in the history of Dota 2 and even if it got a little stale towards the end the meta was still developing (see LC at Boston major come from nowhere) and the strong picks were nowhere near as obnoxious as they have been in other patches. To go from that to a trash new UI, a brand new map, completely reworking the way xp/leveling works and finally the addition of 800+ new talents felt really disorienting and unenjoyable at first

    But after playing some games I have to admit talents feel really fun and they really fit the feel of Dota in my opinion. They give heaps more options to niche playstyles and ensure you can play your hero exactly the way you want to. In addition some of the talents are just plain fun to use such as the +200 movespeed weaver shukuchi and 3 second AM blink. Some of the talents are a bit shit but nothing a few minor balance changes can't fix.

    Map changes are very disorienting and I'm still unsure of how farming patterns work in the new patch but overall I'd say the direction is good. Shrines keep you in the action earlygame and give interesting ways to join fights and flank midgame, plenty of bounty runes encourages aggressive roaming and makes life much easier as a poor support hero and the neutral changes reward aggressive jungling vs passive rinsing your jungle every minute until you can 1v9. Plenty of high ground and juke paths give you lots of terrain features to play around.

    Probably the only thing not growing on me at this point is the HUD. It is 100% cancerous and even with the enlarged minimap and removing that retarded popup at the side I find the eye strain from the new HUD is not worth the tiny amount of extra screen space I'm getting. Admittedly they have improved it greatly recently but hopefully they give an option to play with the old HUD because I'd switch in a heartbeat and never look back.

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      we'll get used to the hood either way
      the only thing i still can't accept is shrines tbh, and the fact that old mid rune spawns are back which leaves a lot to be decided by chance(though shrines and bounty tunes slightly offset this)

      i have 5 reports to use

        I actually miss the old map a lot, I'm so sad. The 6.88 map was pretty good, the new map has too many pathways and the jungle paths are too wide

        Dire Wolf

          Game is much less predictable now. I think that's why certain people are mad cus they aren't getting games that they feel they can control. Which really is stupid, this new game is so fresh and exciting.

          UI is not as bad as everyone is making it out to be.


            I need builds to come out soon. My worst aspect in dota is itemization/skill leveling. I need my guides to give me viable options :0.


              I agree with Dire Wolf

              Although the option to play around with your own HUD or increase the size of certain elements on your own could be done


                I don't understand this community. Every time they change the map, people bitch, then they change the map again, and the same people bitch. Why? There is nothing bad about the changes.

                You hate the small ui? Don't know where to look when you want to check enemy items? Get used to. Play 4-5 games and develop muscle memory.

                Hate the talents? What the hell for? I guess if you want to play the same hero the exact same way every time just pick the ones on the right side every time. Voila, no customization for you.

                I love this patch so far.


                  I am liking the patch so far as well. The juke paths tho my goodness.


                    I have seen many people complain about this now, and still am baffled by the fact that most of the people dont know that the new window opening when you click on other heroes can be disabled. Come one, its not that hard to go into settings and finding an option.
                    Other than that I felt since the start of this patch that everything introduced was somewhat fun, maybe except the fact that the new UI was an exact rip off of LoL. Skill trees add something to make every hero even more unique.


                      Theres so many trees, i get a raging boner whenever i play timber

                      Dire Wolf

                        It's people who used to play afk farming heroes like luna, sven, lc and try to 1v5 games that are mostly complaining. And then all the ui complaints which are legit I guess.


                          I love this patch. the ui is pretty decent too. But just make inventory a bit bigger in size and show the kda and l/d without alt and I would not complain about anything else. really enjoying the new hero and talents open up so many possibilities. I am sure talents will keep changing as we progress in 7.xx era


                            Overall i like it. Pre-game buy, shrines bounties etc are good stuff. But i hate this new shop screen. Its too small and i have small screen. My neck started to hurt since 7.00 came.




                                Bad players stagnate
                                Good playerd adapt
                                Those fuckers who threatens to leave the game will return after 2 weeks because they see their friends play and thought "oooh actuli most of the changes are cool"
                                I like most of the changes


                                  yea the jungle having so many paths and levels. ugh

                                  Dot Com

                                    Warlock has very much benefited from the patch... golems earlier. yis pls.


                                      i mean im okay with most of the changes. dont like the shop and really dont like how modern the hud looks. I also just have no idea what to do on the map now but that should just take some getting used to.


                                        very good patch so far. i play dota with breaks since 8 years and the first games on the new map felt a bit like my first dota 1 games. players try their own builds, their own playstylez and discover the new map. that's very positive in my opinion because 6.89 dota was so predictable. if u were an experienced dota player u pretty much knew how the game will be going after the picking stage. u knew which lanes the heroes gonna take, u knew the items ur enemies gonna pick up roughly and what are the good timings for them etc.. it felt a little bit like a chess game. now with shrines old rune system and even more runes and camps u have new posibilities and can't control the whole map as used to be.
                                        people complaining about the new ui -> i dont like it either, but we will get used to it. its not that big change as the transition from dota 1 to dota 2 was though.
                                        and to all the players who complain about that there are not enough wards for the new map. in my opinion valve should remove observer wards completely. imagine a dark map for both teams -> perma roaming and ganging -> a lot of fun.

                                        to sum things up. to all the crybabies who think dota 2 was perfect game. dota originally changed a lot in the past. dota 2 was just a little bit too stable. in early dota 1 every patch brought some new heroes and major changes. hopefully we get some more new heroes from now on.


                                          and the talent tree is a perfect tool for individual hero balancing. no more "Terrorblade: added +1 base armor" or "Faceless Void: Reduced base damage by 3" lul..

                                          wp icefrog

                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                            ^^ this is not a good thing btw


                                              oh good lord. bearcat. dont remind me about the fukin shop. but everything else is really fine.


                                                the jungle has too manoky up and down . everything are cool for me

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                  honestly the fact that some of the camps are blind is fine, i actually like that, but everything just feels really wierd to me with how the jungles are spaced and all these giant staircases. Also really hate that rosh isnt connected to anything and is just sitting in the middle of the river.


                                                    I would NOT like to see observer wards to be removed
                                                    It adds a unique strategic aspect to the game
                                                    But with the map changes there are less obviously good and predictable ward spots, which means more diversity and creativity in warding spots, I would love to see that


                                                      Farming patterns never change even if the map changes. you make them as you go dependant on how fast you can clear and move.


                                                        Rosh not connected to anything is annoying to see but it's for the sake of map balance anyway

                                                        BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                          Still feels weird to me!


                                                            Not yet, the hud and map still bother me, I can't get good farming patterns yet and the pthing is AWFUL, I do love the talent tree though, but that's about it. Keep the old
                                                            Dota and introduce talent tree for best patch ever

                                                            meteor hammer

                                                              im a fan tbh, hud + shop sucking is the only real issue i have, i can fix the minimap at least though so it's semi bearable

                                                              i like most of the gameplay changes although roaming is extremely strong compared to where it was before

                                                              HELP ME!

                                                                This patch is Amazing !! just 2 days ago I was thinking of deleting DOTA!!! but after this patch! even though that retarded hero Monkey fuck is really unbalanced early game but hey its alot more fun now and change is always good , refreshes your feelings about the game!! :) the only thing is the same as u said! HUD Sucks ! big time!!!! i need like fuckin 10sec to understand what items the hero has or his mana!!! I Failed an ulti as antimage today because i clicked and took me alot of time to fckin understand the shit !! :D turned out he had 70% mana :DD:D


                                                                  I HAVE A SUPPORT AND NO WARD HE SAID TOO BIG THE MAP...GG


                                                                    LMFAO I was told the same ^^^



                                                                      Basically sums up everyone's opinions on 7.00.

                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                        im glad this baumi guy sounds like such a retard cause valve always seem to listen to retards

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                                                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                            ^ ?

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                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                  symmetrical's logic
                                                                                  it's like normal logic except that it doesn't make sense at all


                                                                                    being a retard is not country based u retard


                                                                                      It is with Russia and Brazil/Peru.


                                                                                        The HUD is so bad it's unplayable, they have to fix it. If there was a "legacy" HUD available I'd use it right away, the new one is so bad.


                                                                                          I don't understand this community. Every time they change the map, people bitch, then they change the map again, and the same people bitch. Why? There is nothing bad about the changes.
                                                                                          You hate the small ui? Don't know where to look when you want to check enemy items? Get used to. Play 4-5 games and develop muscle memory.
                                                                                          Hate the talents? What the hell for? I guess if you want to play the same hero the exact same way every time just pick the ones on the right side every time. Voila, no customization for you.



                                                                                            I dont understand how to farm in this new map

                                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                                              hit creeps


                                                                                                oh god i fkn hate baumi


                                                                                                  UI change is basically the kind of shit Youtube likes to do. Mix things up for no reason


                                                                                                    "im glad this baumi guy sounds like such a retard cause valve always seem to listen to retards"

                                                                                                    Then why dont they listen to me =( Feelsbadman


                                                                                                      yeah pretty much what op siad
                                                                                                      game = decent
                                                                                                      ui = dogshit
                                                                                                      If I had a chance to get legacy UI I'd even pay for it. I mean I already paid for my fucking hud so I'm already scammed.

                                                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                                                        I've only played one real game in the new patch, but it'll take a while to get used to the new UI and warding spots. I think at this point most people like me are still just putting wards on the places marked with eyeballs.