the other day I went to work drunk and stoned by accident, spoke to my manager (o n my day off) and I sitll have my jerb. I'm cool like that.
I learned that you should not drink much alcohol when you haven't eaten all day rofl
Black out drunk isn't fun. you experience nothing and you lose control.. lul
Nah, I always go back up to 4.5k - 4.7k even if I'm drunk and stoned or someshit dude. it's just my cap I don't care anymore. I'm totally fine with being ~4.5k
What if some day I won a TI and these posts were forever available for me to look like a retard in front of millions
Ye the biggest problem with na doto is either people who wanna act cool and thug so they spam nigga with every sentence they speak, people who start the game by saying theyre really high, and peruvians
Fuck u i'm a beta religious cuck who cant afford to take drugs because jesus is love jesus is life
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