General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp about illusion heroes, split pushers and thing about controlling...

Help about illusion heroes, split pushers and thing about controlling more then unit in General Discussion

    1_so after watching sumal playing alchemist am 100% sure that he just send his illu there and they last hit and do auto attack so how can i set my illu to auto attack the moment they get to camp or near creep without controlling them and clicking on the creep my self ??

    2_ is there's possible way to select every illu alone like when playing terrorblade i want to select his 2 illu from skill so i can send one to go for lane creeps and the other to go for medium camps and the other 2 from manta to stay with me ??

    3_in my current settings when i click 0 i select every single unit i can controlle (except courier) when i click 1 i select only all illusion when click 2 i select my hero is there's a way to set my keyboard so i can select each illusion by him self ??


      1. command attack, A + left mouse button
      2. you can set control groups, press control and then a number from 1-9 or the hotkeys you've set for them.
      3. you can just press tab, tab, tab or set control groups for specific illus, like the illu from your skills or manta.


        For alchemist generally in your skill branket just use illu to push down tower because team never push. What i did if i want to farm with manta is i put 1 illu on control group 2 and my other illu to 3 so i press 2 and a click the lane then i click the other illu to the jungle then shift then a click the camp then i press 1(my hero) and farm the jungle. Same thing with naga but i put 4 for the other illu. I put auto select summoned unit too. You can use the same thing for terror blade.


          fx can u say that in way that i can understand lmao xD


            dont turn on auto select unit
            use tab for next unit
            send them

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            Kermit's dark side

              I'm not a big micro player, and me using ctrl is too annoying to press. I set me choose next unit to T and set automatically control summoned untits. After I manta I left click the ground then press T and it will select my manga illusions and then A click them down a lane or send one down a lane and one to a camp. Eventually it'll be second nature to you you won't have to think about it.