Coach - Aui_2000
mid - w33ha
carry - EE
offlaner - MiSeRy
4th pos - KuroKy
5th pos - Puppey
Team Name - 2EZ4RTZ
Manager -Artour Babaev
Coach - A R T O U R
Carry - Arteezy
Mid - RTZ
Offlane - Allison
Support - BabyRage
Support - A God
Because KappaPride (Go to 4:28)
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With the new major comes new players showing their skill. Without language being a barrier, who would be on your Dota 2 dream team? I personally would go with:
Coach - Liquid.Bulba
Mid - VP.No[o]ne
Carry - MVP.QO
Offlane - OG.s4
Hard Support - EG.zai
4 Support/Roamer - OG.JerAx
This would be a very aggressive team with QO and JerAx making plays and No[o]ne snowballing with them. s4 and zai would provide stability for the team, making space if they do happen to fall behind. Bulba's coaching and analytic skill would allow him to see weak points in the enemy team that the team could exploit.
Who would be on your team and why?