General Discussion

General Discussiondon't worry, after the 6th Smurf it will be better.

don't worry, after the 6th Smurf it will be better. in General Discussion

    Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger Dunning-Krueger

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      95% of people think they are better than average drivers

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        we should replicate this survey here.

        im 1k, i deserve at least 4k. reason im not 4k is because cooky won't teach me his method


          Someone professional should really make a complete research of this. This would be really interesting....

          I'd also be interested in why people start feeding when they are provoked or don't get to play the lane they wanted to play on etc.. :D


            I am 3k
            My MMR is where I should be
            I am a shitstain and there is no meta hero right now that I'm very good at to boost my MMR higher than it should be


              It's simply immaturity
              Those kind of people are usually arrogant and thinks they are the center of the universe

              casual gamer

                i can confirm that im not really sure i deserve my mmr, which is why i created a smurf

                interesting that higher mmr is associated with lower overestimation of ability, although i guess it isnt that surprising


                  Because higher MMR players will always try to be realistic about themselves by finding their own mistakes and fix them to become a better player


                    I don't think it is that extreme in CS:GO or other competitive shooters, right?

                    I assume it is becuase you can actually watch your allies player's perspective when you are dead. It's easier to see if he is better or just a big mouth shit


                      My mmr is poop and i know i am poop at the game.

                      i think my "problem" is that i play with friends for fun xD

                      real question how many of you guys have fun in playing the game, not just raising rank or beating others, but just playing?


                        you dont play mmr for fun, you play to win


                          ^ill take that as an answer


                            here's a theory, the better you are, the more you know about the game, the more you are able to accurately assess/analyse something. while ppl are naturally inclined to have a self-serving bias, it is not always their fault. sometimes they just don't know enough about the game to realize that the 'team factor' isn't everything. its natural that as u get better you have a better understanding of what is needed to win.

                            it's a correlation. you shouldn't assume that your bias causes you to get stuck, or that having no dunning kruger means u will improve. it could also be that getting better reduces your bias. who knows.

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                              you guys are fucked up
                              you guys obviously dont love dota and dont understand point of game
                              and u only think about dead thing called mmr
                              u are full of complex
                              u are all so sad