General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark item build

Slark item build in General Discussion

    Is skadi now out of the meta? Seems like in every pro game where slark is picked he goes SB > echo > SE then situational stuffs
    I don't play slark that much but skadi seems to be abit underwhelmimg recently, tell me what yo guys think (would love to see answers from slark players)


      If game goes good I go - SB, Echo, Basher, SE, Butterfly
      Most games I don't build BKB but when I get chain stunned I go for it. Sometimes I build skadi not as often though.
      Ohh yea and I mostly buy gem cuz its OP

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        abyssal just seems to be better
        still skadi is good

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          Abyssal is fucking trash

          The Medic Guy
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              skadi in general is a potentially gamewinning item. if you get at the right time at least. not necessarily on slark.

              in example you can kite the shit out of a bkb'd sven.

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                Well, honestly with the additon of echo sabre it solves all of slarks mana problems therefore u dont really need the extra mana that skadi provides.
                skadi is still ok but abyssal is way better now as it tanks u up and also gives u a lock down.


                  ^ u can bash the shit out of a bkb'd sven. lul


                    lmao out of meta retarded you are actually ..ok u didnt see skadi couple days and think its dead ?? like 20 mins ago miracle played slark and didnt bought skadi dont mean ita out of meta fuck u shithead i piss on your stupid 1k head


                      well im not talking about slark, more like eye of skadi as an item in general. i guess off topic a bit.

                      like say medusa picks up skadi and sven can't touch her unless his team gets the initiation onto medusa or some centaur ulti.

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                        i think its just the meta heroes in general
                        u dont buy skadi on timber or od or invoker
                        or am or lifestealer

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                        doc joferlyn simp

                          if game is going good id get that skadi asap and anal rape them inside their fountain

                          if not id go bkb/basher, or maybe a blink dagger if i really need to break hg at 25 mins

                          sometimes diffusal is good too vs omni/sven


                            Do people still buy SnY on slark?

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              ^a few patches ago

                              still a good way to tank up when youre steamrolling and want to do cheeky t4 dives. but if youre behind better farm that ecchi sabre and sb, with the way things are enemy carries will just obliterate you you need a way to pick off their supports. wouldnt buy it anyway though


                                I am so sorry your epenis is so big that you can't answer a guy who ask some questions nicely in dotabuff while trying to learn and improve at DOTA2

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                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                  Linkens have become quite a popular pickup on cores now with the reduced cd, also coupled With sabre basher and silver edge stats you are already sticky enough with ample mana, butterfly is usually a better pickup after.

                                  Still good in plenty of games tho

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                                  Back to kill nub legends

                                    I use slark a lot with 75% rate and skadi is way better than any items if you get it before 30min. If yiu dont think you can afford it before, i suggest going for abysal or bloodthorn for lockdown and iquite often go for linken compared to bkb
                                    I go for bkb mostly when riki, od, mana eater shit are major problems.
                                    And mjolnir is sometimes betternthan butterfly.