General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be good at TA

How to be good at TA in General Discussion

    Like the title says, how to play her properly?

    Check this game:

    And please help me with item builds,skill build and how to last hit properly


      Try Blink deso treads b4 20min. And get early rosh if possible

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      Potato Marshal

        Can't really tell much from that match since you were in a 4-stack just dicking around where you all picked hard carries and still stomped the game. You should always max refraction out first though.

        doc joferlyn simp

          Last hitting properly is a no-brainer. Her base damage is good especially with a RoA, and your Bottle means you can spam Refraction for an even higher chance at winning the last hitting game. Learn to utilize Psi Blades well such that you can harass while last hitting.

          You were up against a Riki and a Sniper that game. Perhaps a Force Staff would have been a better item than BoT?

          Don't give out links of games which were obvious stomps, it serves no real reason other than making you look like a 12 year old trying to enlarge his epeen.


            Im not sure what you did that game, but you have absolutly no farm


              ^ Lol ikr but i did try to farm my best


                Farm your DPS and survivality items ,,, gank,,,get rosh ,, get objectives and end game .... simple!


                  @haffy ok ty for the tip and
                  @potato Marshal our real plan was a 5 man carry... just a regular day on SEA i guess...


                    100 cs in 35 min game is too awful. u should get atleast 250+ in a 35 min game regardless how bad the match is... You can get way higher if game went well!!


                      @caesar thank you for the tip man

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Do not look at CS as a benchmark of performance. If you have a Sven or a Luna or some other hero with far more advanced farming steroids, do not try and contest their farm. Instead, gank like you should since TA has incredible burst and a potent slow. You should not waste those capabilities by farming needlessly.

                        This is not to say CS is irrelevant, what I am trying to say that killing heroes and pressuring towers take priority over farming creeps.


                          ^what haffy is said is true, plus why farm creeps when you can farm heroes when you are playing a hero like ta

                          Riguma Borusu

                            don't pick it against a team that has invoker, venomancer, slark and jakiro all on the same side


                              Lol ok


                                Soo... just gank?...

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  What Abraham was trying to say, do not pick TA against line-ups that have a lot of DOTs (damage over time). Anything short of a level 2 and below rot and a Orb of Venom ticks will break Refraction charges. Instead, pick against heroes that rely on burst such as Lina/Shadow Fiend to maximize your damage blocks.

                                  Also learn how to anticipate changes in lane equilibrium. Creep attacks still break through your shield. Attack outside of 500~ range then back off ASAP. Creeps won't register your actions as attacks since you issued the command outside of their aggro range, this way you can get away with a cheeky hit to melee heroes. Every other range hero outranges you don't even bother.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    Make the most out of your lane, always remember to secure your own CS over denies. You can be a bastard and do all of those with Psi Blades but to be safe just focus on your own farm, push out lane at rune spawn, if you're Radiant perhaps you can stack the hard camp when you go for the bottom rune to bolster your own farm versus the enemy mid.



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                                        Wew i already learned alot already...

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          Taken out of context, I demand a re-investigation.

                                          Anything short of a level 2 and below rot and a Orb of Venom ticks will break Refraction charges.

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            If you're smugly implying my grammatical error then I accept my fault and pray for forgiveness.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              I'm just a 2k player trying to get by. Imagine what a blue star can contribute.


                                                I'm by no means good player, since I'm normal skill scrub as well, but I do pretty well with TA (was abble to do well on mid against 3,5k OD which is imo pretty good success for some1 of my skill level)

                                                -REfraction blocks instance of damage bigger than 5 after reductions. So OoV and for example low lvl ion shell just tick and damage you (thus disabling your blink dagger) but don't eat refraction charges.
                                                -REfraction +dmg works on attacking ally creeps but you don't lose charges on those attacks, very useful.
                                                -If you attack and then cast refraction, you don't get +dmg on that attack but if it lands, you lose a charge
                                                -Psi blades check your positioning when attack lands, not when projectile is released.
                                                -my biggest problem with TA is that I sometimes bring ranged creep into deny rangea accidentaly via psi blades and enemy denies it. That's IMO biggest issue of "bad" players playing TA in early game
                                                -first level refraction is great thing to secure lasthits since that +20dmg helps tremendously
                                                -use traps wisely (on mid-highground, on paths to see non-smoke rotations, in camps to see enemies farming there, rosh trap, rune traps etc), don't forget that traps don't block camps.
                                                -stack yourself ancients
                                                -watch Waga's stream and DTBowie's video about TA, it's really helpful

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  One more simple problem I encountered when playing TA pre-Dragon Lance.

                                                  Always be mindful of your attack range and see if your Refraction-->Blink-->Meld combo will still be close enough to attack. Many times I popped my Meld too far and wasn't able to get the cool big wave thing as an attack.


                                                    there's a good and nice solution to that, you can see it when Suma1l plays TA. He always attacks once before melding so he knows he's in range :-). It's rly useful. Also I find this easier to treadswitch with (easier for my fingers :D )


                                                      is dragonlance actually good on ta now?


                                                        deny with refraction, doesnt consume the stack and psi blades hurt enemy the same.


                                                          All you need to do is
                                                          GIT GUD


                                                            106 last hits 35minutes is the problem

                                                            Kermit's dark side

                                                              Tbh I want to learn ta but I'm a terrible mid player, and for some reason I'm just bad with ta.
                                                              All I know is always go blink first


                                                                Alright bro i am about write a long ass guide. I dont play TA on this acc but maintain about 80% wr at 4.5k on a smurf
                                                                Get wraith band and tangoes or 2 branches if u got pooled.
                                                                Get bounty rune.
                                                                If you think enemy will harrass you alot buy a salve immediately.
                                                                Level up psi blades and here come 2 scenarios:
                                                                1. Enemy has brought little regen -> prioritize lineing up psi shots over last hits
                                                                2. Enemy has good regen or is melee -> focus on getting all the last hits and try to line up psi's, especially if enemy is melee
                                                                Skill build:
                                                                and then max meld immediately, 1 point in ult is enough until you're level 14.
                                                                In lane, make sure to get the rune near your ancients every time because you will be stacking that shit. Call your sups to hepl you get it if shit is tight.
                                                                How to stack: leave the lane 40-45seconds into every odd minute and head to ancients. If black dragons, hit them at 53 and go to rune. Stack other camps at 54-55, preferably juuust before 54 if stacks are 3 or more.
                                                                If the big white dragon with 2 small blue ones, DO NOT HIT THEM, let them hit you and run to rune. This is because big dragon sometimes uses a skill and will not stack.
                                                                Take stack once you reach level 7. Press q and run back to the point where they turn back around and start hitting them, making sure to hit as many as possible with psi blades. you'll get around 1k gold from an ok stack. stack whenever possible after early game. Do try to take 2 stacks before the 11 minute mark.
                                                                Item build is

                                                                Wraith band-> bottle->brown boots->aquilla->phase boots for lane dominance and easier kills, or powertreads for efficiency and faster ancients( set treads to agi when bottleing, set to int when using q). I personally prefer power treads-> Dagger if you want kills or Deso for ULTRA FAST FARM INTO ROSH BOYS-> deso/dagger whichever you dont have( go smoke rosh alone as soon as you have deso and lvl 2 meld, stand near pit entrance and hit him, feel free to use bottle during rosh, if you're low on mana/hp) -> daedalus for 1 or 2 hit kills -> bkb if you need it, solar crest is ok sometimes too-> butterfly->whatever you feel like
                                                                Use traps like wards while laning, but make sure to set at least one, preferably 2 traps mid for kill opportunities. Use other 3 traps on runes and places where enemy might come to gank you. If you have good map awareness, you should be ungankable. Literally.
                                                                Have fun


                                                                  copied from an older comment i made with my smurf


                                                                    And then what leaf wrote will turn you into templars that are in my games that are lvl 5 at minute 12 while enemies' mids are lvl 13 at the same time.
                                                                    TA is not set in stone. You do want to level refraction on 1 many times. Starting with wraith band is not THAT good, 2 branches and a circlet with tangos will be more than enough. Meld on 3-4 or maxing out meld since 3 is sometimes the best way (for example vs ember).
                                                                    I also don't like the part where you stack your ancients. It's a waste of time and usually if you don't have your team like in comp you will get contested and won't get to take the big stack. It's way more efficient to just take the camp every single minute after lvl 7-8 for immediate gain of gold/xp to outfarm enemy mid and snowball even harder.

                                                                    The dude who said about hitting before melding and sumail, pls stop watching d2bowie. It's not a conscious decision, it's ingrained into sumail's play (or mine) through practice and seeing what works. If you start thinking about that when you play you're gonna mess up and waste precious thinking time. Sometimes you're sure that meld hit works and you meld immediately, sometimes you just right click to make sure you're in range. But you have to feel it rather than think about it.

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      you still can stack twice while getting the rune and take the camps for a quick burst in cash.
                                                                      and i agree on d2bowie, you get more from watching arteezy compilations


                                                                        It's not a waste of time to perform the stack. It's a waste of time to take the stack when it's stacked. Instead of spending the time to stack that camp you spend almost the same amount of time to clear the camp to get immediate gold/xp

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                                                                            im the best ta


                                                                              u cant be the best ta when theres a fucking clq the best fucking dota 2 fucking player the world has ever fucking seen u fucking liar

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                                                                                I thought BSJ was the best player this world has ever seen except on pudge which is CLQ, his alter ego


                                                                                  Just watch waga play ta its one of his best heroes. Lvl 1 psi blades is an option


                                                                                    Yes psi blade 1st
                                                                                    Early game bottle,tread,deso,dagger,spike or manta critical,if
                                                                                    Late game u can consider sale ur dagger change to shadow blade.


                                                                                      Remember stacks ancient every time. U will Gon a be fat and domination early game.,

                                                                                      4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                                        idk much about ta but i played her once yesterday. all i can say is that ta can and always will 'accidentally' harasses the enemy hero, coz psi blade is too good. if u think your skill level is not that high to do all the blink+meld+hit+kill, efficient farming, stacking, and stuff like that; then the very least u can do is applying pressure to the enemy midlaner using psi blade (careful not to push the lane, unless you want to take rune). in my last game, i really accidentally got a kill on the sf and he cant last hit for shit thanks to refraction, and he ended up ditching mid and go to the other lane. ta is very strong in the early game (psi blade is super annoying, refraction make u super hard to be ganked, meld destroys armor so much, goddamn slow ult), so in whatever ta game u having, try to get a good early game and you will be fine. regarding the topic, items is situational for every game and every hero, so cannot tell much about it

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                          Yes once your psi hit and u have good position slow he and meld tat simple 1st blood...


                                                                                            And always know ta will be weak in late game sale ur dagger go for sb this the match situation I change my item in 43min


                                                                                              Pretty sure it's dagger before deso into crits then pike. If u need bkb get after deso then continue build.
                                                                                              I was gonna post a game then realized that my lh numbers r soooo bad. Wow I didn't realize how bad they are fuck.


                                                                                                I depend situation daddy
                                                                                                If I do dagger 1st cause my mI'd I face viper and veno
                                                                                                If other I will direct rush deso


                                                                                                  dont be a lagger or wooden pc.