if troll had 65 base damage he would be viable even without flying vision and with the other nerfs, since he has 50 base damage he is shit
@JDF8 u were right, but he still get that bonus armor and a help from wraithband he can still rekt someone who try to manfight him
but people dont try to manfight him because they know better, so hes useless
and sny ranged maim proc was nerfed also
@JDF8 ouh, i dont know if SnY range proc was nerfed
but this patch a bit weird, i mean TB is using dragon lance, even sometimes i see DK with dragon lance, so why not Troll ?
Every once in a while I play Troll to remind myself why that hero isn't a thing. I agree that the base damage nerf is really the one that murdered him, you used to be probably the strongest sidelaner in the game as at level 2 you had 60+ base damage, blind, bash, a slow and ranged attacks but now you hit like a spectre which makes your jungling pace pathetic and your last hitting awful.
@Triumph and Disaster ive understand more now, so that nerf really affect him, and u have higher mmr than me, so i guest u got more experience in ranked, so right now, no great reason to pick him eh.
The main problem with troll is that people don't manfight him anymore which is the point of troll
Every hero is Strong even nerfed you just need to know when to pick /to not pick and you will see that was true.
Why is gyro bad? All his abilities work good in theory, huge splash attack, big nukes, but he kind of just sucks.
Troll is same way, hard to put your finger on it, but just underwhelming. Really I think too reliant on bkb or he gets kited, that vision nerf makes him a million times easier to kite.
Gyro is awful due to all his abilities being nerfed into the ground, raindrops becoming a thing and safelane actually being playable with weaker laners instead of being infested with aids offlanes likes Tusk+1 or Undying+1, he isn't good in theory or in practice.
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what is the reason pro scene or mmr didnt pick troll ? is he/she/apache is got nerfed so bad or ppl didnt get the new way to play him ?
i know he/she/apache got kited easily by sniper or drow, but at some point it is one of the best 1vs1 hero, im asking this because i see naix and jug getting picked more that troll is there any advance reason by u guys ?
and also when playing 5vs5 CM with my friend, i usually get the captain, any beginner tips when picking/ban, just basic things because im trying to learn slowly
sorry for my bad english, thank for the response.