General Discussion

General DiscussionPotato Marshal's Hot New Item Suggestion List 2016™😃👌👌👌 (PLEASE READ ...

Potato Marshal's Hot New Item Suggestion List 2016™😃👌👌👌 (PLEASE READ THIS IF YOU WORK FOR VALVE OR ICEFROG) in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    Mango Paindrops 450g (infused raindrop + enchanted mango + 100g recipe)
    Consumes a charge to REFLECT 150 magic damage from damage instances over 50 damage. Comes with 5 charges. When the charges are gone, the item disappears.
    +1 Health regeneration
    +1 Mana regen
    Restores 200 health and mana when item disappears
    Ironwood Maul 3850g (mithril hammer + ultimate orb + 3 ironwood branches)
    +30 Damage
    +15 All attributes
    Attacks will lower all of target's attributes by 10% for 8 seconds (effect cannot stack, even from multiple ironwood mauls)
    Archmage Amulet 4400g (2 perseverances + staff of wizardry)
    +15 Intelligence
    +15 Health regeneration
    +300% Mana regeneration
    Lowers all mana costs by 30%
    Sentinel Shinguards 5400g (tranquil boots + pipe of insight + 1400g recipe)
    +20 Health regeneration
    +5 armor
    +30% Magic resistance
    +85 Movement speed
    +15% Magic resistance and 5 Health regeneration aura
    Barrier active that reflects magic damage instead of just blocking it
    Hero and any nearby allies gain +30% magic resistance when below 20% health
    Angelic Poleaxe 5200g (heavenly halberd + ultimate orb + 350g recipe)
    +30 Strength
    +10 Agility
    +10 Intelligence
    +25 Attack damage
    +25% Evasion
    Greater maim
    Disarm now also mutes items and automatically applies a greater maim
    Primordial Scepter 8400g (aghanim's scepter + aghanim's scepter)
    +350 Health
    +350 Mana
    +20 All attributes
    Provides aghanim's upgrade
    (can be consumed to permanently gain all bonuses)
    Reverb Cutlass 4700g (echo sabre + yasha)
    +20 Agility
    +10% Movement speed
    +10 Strength
    +10 Intelligence
    +75% Mana regeneration
    +15 Attack damage
    +30 Attack speed
    Causes melee attacks to attack 3 times in rapid sucession
    Hallowed Epee 13000g (2 divine rapiers + 600g recipe)
    +700 damage
    Drops on death and hero permanently dies for the rest of the match
    Celestial Estoc 20000g (hallowed epee + divine rapier + 800g recipe)
    +1200 damage
    Drops on death and team who drops it will automatically lose the match
    Blade of the Gods 28000g (celestial estoc + divine rapier + 1800g recipe)
    +2000 damage
    Drops on death and team who drops it will automatically lose the match, and whoever dropped it will be automatically placed in low priority (item can not be bought in low priority matches)


      I actually like ur ideas. So fresh


        Angelic poleaxe disarms and prevents bkb or diffusal use? thats pretty damn opieop.
        also, does archmage amulet also reduce mana costs of toggled or mana per second skills like timber's saw?

        Potato Marshal

          ^The disarm/mute only lasts 3/5.5 seconds depending on whether the hero is melee or ranged. Archmage amulet will also lower mana per second abilities like Timber's chakram ad WD healing ward, but won't work for abilities like Medusa's mana shield.

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
          The Medic Guy


              dont k this, this is actually pretty good


                well its like a dota IMBA, theres few new items there with gr8 ideas too

                Pale Mannie

                  i like to rush primordial scepter on lion with brown boots


                    pretty cool. i'll make sure to pass this on to mister icefrog once he gets off the treadmill.

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    meteor hammer

                      all good but the scepter upgrade i think

                      meteor hammer

                        that amulet shit so good on storm


                          last patches we made ideas and fucking 1 item wasnt
                          go to reddit autist


                            That last item would force dota to change its name. Since it is no longer about destroying throne to win. Also. Ez throw if u wanna feed

                            BSJ. LGD

                              i would quit dota if that multistrike reverb cutlass crap was in the game

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                heyyyy, that's pretty good


                                  The last 3 ffs lmao


                                    Archmage amulet on storm

                                    if this item was actually made storm pickers would be the biggest fucking cancer in ranked next to 6.86's Spectre

                                    And the Cutlass... Jesus, this is definitely nerfworthy

                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      I want the reverb cutlass for my sven


                                        everything looks broken o.o also.. there are boot (arcane, power t, tranquil) chest (AC, shivas) and helmets (dominator).. why there is not gloves? if viper can use boots for sure can use gloves hahaha


                                          Icefrog would had to be hight or something to take some of you idea but still is quite good some of it some of it


                                            Dem last item was just retarded af lul...

                                            I prefer this item

                                            Radioactive Spear

                                            Passive: Splash attack - Your ranged attack will damage nearby enemies around 500 radius

                                            Passive: Increases attack range of ranged heroes by 140.

                                            Active: Toggle Burn - When active, scorches nearby enemies for 50 damage per second and blinds them, causing them to miss 17% of their attacks.

                                            + 65 Damage
                                            BURN DAMAGE PER SECOND: 50
                                            BURN MISS CHANCE: 17%
                                            BURN RADIUS: 700
                                            + 14 Agility
                                            + 13 Strength
                                            + 140 Attack Range (Ranged Only)
                                            Splash Damage: 30%

                                            Build from Dragon Lance and Radiance