General Discussion

General Discussion6.89 is a few days away.

6.89 is a few days away. in General Discussion

    Anyone else not looking forward to it? I feel like a lot
    Of heroes are viable. It has definitely been the most interesting patch so far. Not much cancer.

    And heroes I'm good at are so op. I wish I farmed more mmr with Sven and Luna. Oh well here comes the nerf hammer


      I look forward not playing rank for a month


        Maybe valve will finally nerf troll warlord. what do u think diox ?


          Dun play mmr for a while when monkey king release rofl


            I personally am looking forward to a change. And there are plenty of heroes who are still not truly viable (Lesh, Lina, QOP, Doom, Techies) If they're conservative with their buffs and don't go nuts, it should be quite a good patch.


              i wouldnt say that gyro is the best either, i guess Loda and Era still plays him but they have been around for like 4-5 years


                heroes who already exist came out BROKEN AS HELL when added in dota2.. now.. close ur eyes and imagine the OMGWTF BROKEN monkey king will be.. and with the meta change, play ranked games is not a good idea.. too much player guessing what to do with reworked heroes...


                  one thing i wanna see valve do something about, is to fix this

                  and its pretty fukin obvious that valve actually rigs this. If u win too much in radiant, u just get hell a lot of dire games.

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                    meanwhile ive lost my last 2 recent matches playing radiant, and also i have a higher winrate being in dire
                    hmmmm, really makes you think


                      u actually win more in dire, so u get a bit more radiant games. its the same shit but in reverse. also if terrain doesnt affect u, its close to 50-50. but if u have shit like mine,

                      u can see an obvious skew. a lot of ppl have reported this skew. its not new.


                        anyone else suspect of echo sabre upgrade? or lotus orb rework (diferent way of construc it)


                          Maybe they will nerf pudge, what do u think diox?


                            No, i already hate it

                            I can feel the incoming arc and sk nerfs

                            This patch was the easiest patch for me ever, i had to do no work to win

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                              nerf doom right diox xD

                              Chewie ಠ_ಠ

                                I kinda miss when each patch had its heroes, it was very exciting when new heroes became op, it kind of made the non meta heroes special when they finally became meta. This update was really good tho.


                                  (Anyone else not looking forward to it? I feel like a lot Of heroes are viable.) my lycan is crying lol
                                  also gyro is serious shit now atm


                                    "Alot of heroes are viable" meanwhile all my good mid heroes are garbage atm Q_Q


                                      Any patch that dosnt has broken heros is shit and boring



                                        meteor hammer

                                          are they seriously going to nerf zet again i barely played him yet

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Hope dk gets small buff, sniper gets small buff, troll medium buff, lycan huge ass buff, raindrops nerf, and some new items.

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                                              So you're telling me they aren't going to wait until the Boston major concludes? A patch a week prior seems extremely destructive to team strategies for a major tournament. I like this patch as well I win more than ever without any real effort.

                                              meteor hammer

                                                if they buff sniper hes going to be complete cancer, especially considering the patch is probably mostly nerfs

                                                even in this patch hes pretty dominant imo, especially if you pick him intelligently


                                                  lol buff sniper that will be fun (cancer)

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    mm idk, people on your team still HATE when you pick sniper, they see him as very weak and you get flamed a ton. I feel like I can't pick him just cus of perception, if you play him mid well gg cus enemy will gank the shit out of you and your team never rotates. If you shadow him safe people say please no sniper! and get mad if you pick it and won't ever pick around you.

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      people who are asking for sniper buffs haven't started maxing shrapnel yet...


                                                        @Abraham Linkens true, was hard for people realize void and OD changes, but when they made it PLOP, suddenly top tier pick


                                                          Buff voker pls?


                                                            There needs to have some cancer heroes to keep the game fun. Balanced is boring, there has to be offsets

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                                                            Ken Ω

                                                              Still waiting for the Techies Buff Kreygasm PogChamp


                                                                tbh i dont wanna see this patch go
                                                                a lot of offlaners are gonna get nerfed for sure (sk, void, probably even timber)


                                                                  I actually don't think they will touch offlsne. It's the supports and carried that are broken. Goodbye ogre


                                                                    IF THEY NERF TIMBER AGAIN, well im fucked

                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                      Huskar not picked much even in pros lately. Idk , so many indirect nerf. Armlet nerfed (minus regen , more cost ,- 1 armor) nerf armlet = nerf huskar, bonus heal at critical % reduced. Why nerf so many for very situational hero

                                                                      I want to see alch interaction with octarine fixed. I do not want more games like 20 3 , and alch get octarine and kill everyone. Octarine feels too powerfull on him , but without octarine the cooldown on rage make him crap

                                                                      Oh and phantom lancer , and ember, fun heroes and weak as fuck

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        maybe buff or rework bristleback right now it is literally the worst hero in the game


                                                                          I will play with bot to addapt new patch.


                                                                            Huskar is one of my best heroes (lately). All I want is for void to be fine. He is like a son to me.


                                                                              They should honestly just do a massive across the board nerf to almost everything. Except bloodseeker. Then he might be good again.


                                                                                They shdnt nerf Anything. Just small buffs to some heroes except techies. Blood is in a good spot as an aghs carrier, the only way he shd be played.


                                                                                  My guess is they will continue with only slight tweaking nerfs and buffs. The real changes will be in new items and hopefully monkey king. So am fearfully optimistic. This patch was great, so hopefully they dont screw it up.


                                                                                    I dont see why pl can be good again. A lot of mirana nowadays with agh.


                                                                                      I just want to see Slark and Timber smacked into the ground.

                                                                                      The Medic Guy

                                                                                        i bet timber, drow, jug and maybe warlock get nerf

                                                                                        but i just get comfort in this patch, why the new patch come so fastttttttttt

                                                                                        i am not ready yet :'(

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          I just want games to end faster instead of having all these hour long shitfests

                                                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                                                            Make SF great again
                                                                                            Disco pony and sexy fire girl are still crying


                                                                                              Sumail was destroying games w leshrsch esrly push cancer.


                                                                                                i want arc to be nerfed to the fucking stone age


                                                                                                  i wan bloodseeker's rupture to not work on blade mail
                                                                                                  i play warcraft 3 before at 6.83d and rupture doesn't work on blade mail
                                                                                                  i wonder why it works in dota2


                                                                                                    timber jug ogre warlock for nerf probably but we will see what this major will show


                                                                                                      Its gonna be a dogshit patch like any other,as long as you fucks keep buying compendium and fund those monkeys they can keep making this game worse and worse.