General Discussion

General DiscussionPredick mmr of unfair bots

Predick mmr of unfair bots in General Discussion

    If an unfair bot was silently leaked into the matchmaking pool, and played with 9 regular people, what mmr would it be

    2k indog monkey

      If we're talking about the unfair bots you get as teammates, probably 1500
      Enemy = 2000
      They know teamwork but they don't know anything else



        Not Saske

          it depends on who you meet
          Vivian bot mmr range between 2k-3k
          Walter bot mmr range between 3k-4k
          and for me, you can see my profile

          Not Saske

            never seen any bot higher than 4k range in LeaderBot

            Potato Marshal

              5k last hitting/denying, 1k everything else. You'll just end up with a team with 3 meks who just take nukes head-on then run back to base and back.


                unfair bot is like 1k mmr

                Not Saske


                  +25% XP & Gold: Enabled at 30 minutes

                  Last hitting uncertainty: 0 ms (Instant)

                  Reaction time: 0 ms (Instant)
                  Group Formation: 5
                  Enemy bots will use some cheats(for example they have information about which spell you want cast)

                  Potato Marshal

                    Bots can also tell real heroes from illusions instantly.


                      unfair bots are worse than 1ks, the dota2 bots are ridiculously bad programmed


                        viper bot is the best


                          I'm pretty sure an unfair bot is better than 3k and maybe some 4k players because 3-4k players are braindead and have no idea how to play dota, but an unfair bot has perfect reaction times, cheats a bit, and is pretty good at lasthitting, so it's already better at mechanics than 3-4k players.

                          But a 5k player would abuse the braindead nature of the bot just like any other braindead player.


                            9k, not hitting creeps but still get 6 slotted rofl


                              U guys who say 3k aren't serious right. They can't be more than 2k even w those reflexes

                              Potato Marshal

                                You can kill half the enemy bot team before creeps even spawn since you can lure them between your t1 and t2 when they all group up at rune spots.

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  It is super fun playing Axe and cutting tower against unfair bots.


                                    Bot is below 1k... Cmon guys...
                                    I can go rubick with 15/4/12 on unfair bot. But in 1k its fucking 2/9/15

                                    BSJ. LGD

                                      unfair bots are 1k mmr, i know because the 2ks in my team dumpsters the bots for me

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        bots are actually terrible, even if they are good at last hitting, you can still deny and last hit everything if you're melee or if you have a better animation/projectile/stand closer, etc.

                                        Also unfair bots are terrible at harassing in lane so you can abuse that too.

                                        There's no sense of farming strategy or any sort of proper patterns.

                                        Their movements and decision making are retarded, it is very easy to glitch them into doing nothing.

                                        They get bonus gold/exp and will always chain disable you and bkb is a must but that's about it.

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                                          i never buy bkb vs bots

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            meanwhile 2k player going 23-2 on carry magnus vs unfair bots

                                            cant be more than 1k