General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i ....

How do i .... in General Discussion
Not Saske

    get VHS guys?

    i tried my best but ... :(

    i tried to be nice

    i first pick am and then come 4 more core



      First pick am then 4 more cores


      Your best is not enough




          Change ur mind.. If only core (carry, mid or offlaner) can get vhs.. So there no supp in pro scene that have mmr > 3700

          The Medic Guy

            lol that io

            Not Saske

              i can't play sup yet.
              last time i pick sup, i end up carrying my team

              solo offlane io pwned dual lane ursa sniper :3


                i can't play sup yet.
                last time i pick sup, i end up carrying my team


                Not Saske

                  can someone teach me how to proper sup in 1k :(

                  all i want is win and get out from this bracket

                  maybe i'm just not try hard enough

                  can someone give me some tips to improev?


                    watch how pro supp playing


                      So good at support he ends up carrying. Wp bro.


                        ''how do i get VHS from 1k"
                        dude, you're asking if someone can teach you to grind an additional 3k mmr in a forum post.

                        it'd take a whole book to answer that

                        Not Saske

                          i remember someone give a link to kitrak or katrak (not sure wich one is that guy name) 's guide how to improve at game

                          can you post it here?

                          i saw that guide once, but forgot to bookmark it :(


                            How do I get Diamond? Everyone picks adc and feed.

                            Not Saske

                              and, i'm not sure if i worth to play sup in 1k gaming.
                              my friend told me just go carry of mid and you will in in solo Q , but that does not work for me :3

                              but in party Q i can do carry properly, since my friend can sup me


                                Why r there so many delusional retards who think holy shit why no vhs? I may be as shit as them, but at least I'm not clinically retarded.


                                  I guarantee henry bot thinks Pudge is a really good mid hero.

                                  Luis Miguel joven

                                    You have to win enough games in order to reach a 3.7k mmr and welcome to vhs


                                      cz u r a bad player


                                        you're in 1k and having a VHS game will take you a long time. try to be the jack of all trades. i mean the guy that can get very versatile in a game. and dont forget to watch a pro game, i suggest you watch 1 player's perspective that you like, remember only 1 player that you watch very detailed, see what's the player doing throughout the game. if you watch the entire player is the same as watching an entertaining match.

                                        Not Saske

                                          ^^^ I couldn't agree with you more

                                          i build dagger on QOP and make 9 other player rage (especially dire) end up they call me gey and i mute all of them :(

                                          i am so bad


                                            Gid gud....


                                              jack of all traits= master of none

                                              terrible, worst way to learn and get higher mmr.

                                              pick 1-3 heroes and master them

                                              and with master them, i mean MASTER them. don't pick any other hero outside those 1-3 and only play them

                                              instapick them every game till you get at least 60% winrate over 200+ matches

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                              Not Saske


                                                i hope i can improve from unfair bot to extreme bot ^^

                                                damn Walter Bot so gud


                                                  Stop play like bot

                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                    i first pick am and then come 4 more core
                                                    Yea master 1-3 heroes like what Cookie said, you'll learn way faster
                                                    AS A CARRY (I'LL MAKE IT SIMPLE)
                                                    Learn how to farm
                                                    Learn where to farm
                                                    Learn WHEN to farm (fucking retards who afk when the enemy team is gone for 90 seconds without buyback)
                                                    Then after you master the art of the rice fields, you learn how to teamfight (which target should be killed, hero interactions, take good fights and avoid bad ones, actually do something after you won a fight, etc)
                                                    Also learn which item is the best to get in the situation
                                                    I've seen enough aghanim juggernauts throwing their 10k gold lead because they fucking made an item that boosts juggernaut's easiest to counter spell

                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                      Also did you know lane equilibrium and creep aggro exists
                                                      Helped me to take the best of out alot of laning stage

                                                      Not Saske

                                                        how do you get 80lh in 10 min?
                                                        did you keep the lane equilibrium?
                                                        or let the lane push and go jungle while the lane pushed, and back to lane when the creeps wave almost near tower?


                                                          u get 80 lh in 10min by not missing a cs
                                                          and getting extra farm from jungle


                                                            i first pick am and then come 4 more core

                                                            / end

                                                            Mute All Enjoyer

                                                              Support player here smurfing cuz i just cant get teammates that really knows how to play dota. The thing in smurfing is u cant get high mmr with just playing a position 6 support (thats my playstyle as a supp player) so I play core heroes that can snowball the game alone like meepo, puck, slardar, spirit breaker. If u notice that most of ur games is being destroyed by ur teammates lack of dota knowledge of what they pick. Just pick snowbally heroes and git gud.

                                                              I know all yall be like dota 2 is a team game bla bla. But if ur team is not good its up to u really to create a flow in the game. Anyway im still in Vhs 4k bracket and its still full of cancerous fucks so yeah. I still need to climb in 4.5k+ bracket hopefully people there actually know the importance of early and mid game. And line up playstyles.

                                                              Bag stealer

                                                                I'm starting to hit vhs and the only thing I've done is to play more games.


                                                                  Just spam the offlane until you reach VHS then transition to safelane.

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    "I'm starting to hit vhs and the only thing I've done is to play more games."


                                                                    if you are improving at dota at all you will eventually simply reach VHS

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      Stop spreading lies to the common folk and peasantry. If there are no 2ks, how do the 4ks stroke their own egos?

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        well tbh it is hard to stroke your ego when you know literally everyone can reach your mmr with a bit of effort and commitment

                                                                        if anything, I know there are people who are 5k with about as many games as I have, and much less, because they put an effort into improving to a much greater extent and didn't play unranked for year and a half before starting to play ranked and stupid shit like that which I did


                                                                          Add me. I'll support ya in 1k. But I wanna have the support-carry agreemeant.

                                                                          As support: I will make your laning easy, stack here and there, keep wards up to give you farming space, ward to give pushing space, bring detection for invisible heroes, and do my best to keep us ahead before the 25 min mark in every lane.

                                                                          However I expect
                                                                          As carry: you will last hit in lane and keep equilibrium, you won't be caught out of position in either farming or in fights, you will end each game with a GPM of at least 500, and you will itemize to best turn a lead into a win at the 35 min mark and beyond.

                                                                          By the way. You can improve your MMR reliably using any position or style of play. If you are much much better then your opponents, then some ways are faster. But otherwise it doesn't matter. Do what you like and what you're good at.