General Discussion

General DiscussionBanning in Ranked Allpick

Banning in Ranked Allpick in General Discussion

    Hi dotabuff, is it possible to see some statistic of heroes nominated for ban and banned in ranked allpicks. I think the graph will be high-low = A-Z hero name, that i feel doesnt seems right. Sorry bad english


      Am is nominated in 100% of my games.


        I'll nominate alch all the time

        doc joferlyn simp

          pa and invoker for sure lmao


            sorry for bad english. It depends on you what hero you will nominated for banning. In my solo mmr 3k .. i always nominate juggernaut or anti-mage because in my previous games this 2 hero are always giving me a easy -25 :D

            doc joferlyn simp

              if they are that dominant in your bracket, why not take the time to learn them? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Hatsune Miku

                ban timber, nobody wants to lane with that fcker


                  Sowi por mi bad englodo.Hi mi name es giorgio i woerk in potatoe faktory and since mi padre died in a donkey waggon accident i leav mi wife and ugli daughter to become a pro leagueue of leyendaerio player, everydai i watch rainamndio. i just wante to sai thank you veriyi much rauinmanio i improvd from bronce 5 to wood 7 in just 6 months. plz no copato pasterato dis is onli my life. i ALso killed mi dog. Sorry fo mi bad englando im not NA


                    tinker, perma-chiken, and dagon burst looks so fckin op to me

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      perma pig, for the record lmao

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        but yeah i get your point tinker can kill anyone without that combo, worst of all you have to initiate first AND kill him thru ethereal + blink dagger WHILE surviving from his whole team

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          I always permaban riki.


                            There's s theory that ppl in normal skill usually have no idea wat to ban so they just ban the heroes near the front that can be kinda annoying in their bracket. Which is why am is banned every game

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              i personally ban abaddon every game bcs i can


                                No because you're lazy to scroll to the other heroes haffy.


                                  @Jacked the magic about ban heroes, is ban cancer-bracket heroes (slark, pa).. banning earth spirit in 3k have no sense

                                  Story Time

                                    good advice - ban heros that enemy successfully spams.


                                      i ban legion every game cause fuck afk junglers


                                        ^Good on ya mate

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          50% of people are too lazy to scroll or search for a specific hero so they just ban the first few heroes like am, abaddon, alch, and aa.

                                          4pos pudge/grim only

                                            i always ban huskar bcs fuck huskar and those burning spear


                                              Banning anything but Riki is kind of retarded, since you can counter every hero, but no support on any bracket ever will buy enough detection to counter that fucker.


                                                I ban heroes that the enemy successfully spams and heroes my allies feedingly spam.

                                                Like if an enemy has played necrophose 4 times in a row and won all games, or if an ally has spammed kunka 10 games in a row and lost 9 of them.


                                                  I once played a Riki and they literally put sentries everywhere. I don't even know how they managed to buy boots


                                                    there is an app called overwolf that brings up a box during the loading screen with what heroes everyone in the game has picked the most in the last 3 weeks and their winrates.

                                                    its fairly useful for detecting spammers, if some dude has played 110 games of arc in the last 3 weeks is probably a good idea to ban it.


                                                      ^ahh thats why they ban kunkka when i have good wr with that hero...
                                                      Its strange when peoole ban kunkka now i know the reason


                                                        U have no idea how much u make supports hate doto in low tier as riki. They either go way overkill on detection with sentries everywhere, but u still get away with ulti blink, diffuse the dust, etc. Or they just ignore the sentries and riki is running around slaughtering them with a godlike streak. I've made teams buy 3 gems, cuz I keep stealing them, plus easily 15+ sentries, and numerous dusts on all heroes. In low tier pubs supports r rlly bad at farming, so besides the 3 gems, supports can usually afford sentries like that and have less items than usual but still something decent in higher MMR. In low MMR the supports r not used to playing with such little gold, as they usually with assist gold and shit start buying random aghs out of their ass. They're not at all good at supporting from behind, whether in xp or gold. Biggest reason why riki reks pubs.