General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom VHS to NS??

From VHS to NS?? in General Discussion

    why the hell am I dropped from VHS to NS in 3 games? Why should I be responsible for those who firstpick core heroes and feed, while I HELP my carry zoning (and killing) hardlaner and helping other lanes? When they eventually get fucked? Why should I pay for those retards?(

    casual gamer

      because ur terrible


        Lol can u stop flaming teammates and just work on ur own gameplay k thx bye

        casual gamer

          this is me

          this is you

          this is my top hero

          this is your top hero

          casual gamer

            see the difference? fucking moron

            suck dick for pma

              JDF8 HAS A SMURF??? :O


                Git gud


                  Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened

                  casual gamer

                    im trying to grind it up to 5k so i can have 2 5k accounts or sell one maybe, getting to lvl 20 takes forever

                    Potato Marshal

                      ^Don't you fucking dare sell an account to some scrub, he'll just drop to 4k and start ruining my games.

                      casual gamer

                        the main thing is just taht i want to grind up to 5k again tbh

                        call me a masochist xd


                          @JDF8 rude bitch. 6 and 14 games are unconvinient for statistics... I know I'm not a VHS player, but neither a NS. I see how terrible they are. I was hoping for some constructive comments, not ur terrbl/gitgud... I am trying to git gud. But when I find a game, a face some players in my team, who just firstpick their heroes and go double mid like here Well, I picked a sup hero, tried my best (not 8k sup, obviosly, but not 2k either), had more damage than 3 our team members... And in every freaking game either flaming guys preventing each other from farming, or just some feeding newbies...

                          casual gamer

                            wow man, i have a game with cliff np, alch offlane. necro feeds courier 5 times, him and tide both abandon

                            theres nothing anyone can tell you besides git gud, unless you want 10000s of tiny details, 1/2 of which you already know and 1/2 of which you probably will dig in ur feet and disagree with

                            casual gamer

                              their heroes are an almost perfect draft to win a 5v3 too, nothing but crazy lockdown and high burst. they stacked ghost scepters and glimmer capes

                              and of course, they completely crushed the early game

                              casual gamer

                                euls SWM first item is not so good, a standard opener is aether lens or rod of atos. In this game you may have wanted to go diffusal first simply because you got dumpstered by a carry omni. being able to shut him down could've potentially changed the game. alternatively, force or ghost wouldve allowed you to kite their slow melee cores and avoid dying ONCE EVERY THREE FUCKING MINUTES

                                your skill build is, to put it simply, absolutely fucking horrendous

                                skywrath has THE BEST SILENCE IN THE GAME, HUGE RANGE WITH DAMAGE AMPLIFICATION

                                this spell wouldve completely dumpstered omniknight, however you elected to increase your slow % by 5 instead of skilling it, wp

                                in addition, you decided to not skill your ultimate ability. this decision to not skill 2/4 of your skills until way too late does a significant amount to mitigate your usefulness as a hero. you wouldn't skip take aim on sniper, would you? skipping these skills on SWM does just as much to reduce your impact


                                  Rekt. Op people tell u to get good when u complain about ur teammates instead of focusing on your own errors. Instead of asking about ur own errors, u just want to be validated that ur team is bad and there is something wrong w the system. U won't get good answers then.The point is, no matter how the odds are stacked against u, a true VHS player will find a way to win. So stop calling yourself better than the normal skill scrubs u play with, and learn to humble yourself.

                                  Also, JD if u ever get bored of your VHS smurf I'll be happy to borrow it for experiments. Kek

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