General Discussion

General Discussionsand king thread

sand king thread in General Discussion

    took a liking to this hero and while i do find success with him i cant seem to win with him :/

    anyway a few questions

    how do you deal with ranged heroes? i understand that vs melees youre gonna be completely dumpstering them in a 1v1/2v1 but when against ranged heroes that wont get hit by caustic finale, how should i play

    caustic finale pushes the lane too much rofl sometimes its good when their support is spam pulling but in normal situations how do i prevent this

    also, veil or no veil?


      abandon the lane, go irontalon jungle
      no veil, there are better items (aghs,fs,euls,etc)


        if u cant win then u dont have success with him


          bad wording from me, i have success with him but only in lane


            aghs is so gay on the hero. he jungles well. so its always an option


              it's a simple hero

              all you have to do is destroy the enemy ancient and you'll win

              doc joferlyn simp

                eblade for the solo kill potential on anyone


                  inb4 ''eblade on sk'' threads


                    pirate used to build eblade on sk


                      no i build battlefury to increase my aoe damage

                      not arin
                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                          Dafuq is this thread. Sand King is pretty straight forward.
                          Against ranged heroes you try not to die obviously.