yasp has some stats
but valve won't release the actual data
somewhere i've seen graph that stated most populated mmr range is beetween 2k and 2.5k. if i run into it again i will post.
We still have the % right? I mean that shouldn't have changed. Valve still labels ~3.2 as high skill. So I guess the distribution hasn't changed
The sample size for this is nearly double that of Yasp's data. Can't vouch for its accuracy, but the distribution looks about right.
I think mmr inflation only happens if more shitty players enter the game. So it is unlikely given that would be an incorrect assumption to make. What is likely to happen is just changes in the skewness of the distribution. Probably still safe to say that 4k is still 1%. U have more 4ks now. But u also have a lot more 2ks
More than 5k its somewhere 0.2 % of whole dota population thats what i remember. Might be different now though.
cool stuff potato, kinda weirded out how there are lots of ppl at 4k and low-mid 3k
inflation is real i guess?
but do u consider all the smurfs accounts in the range from 2-4k mmr, they are just inflating the distribution
NB Also many people stop playing after they reah desireed (3k? 4k? 5k?) mmr level, so there are spikes in the distribution https://www.opendota.com/distributions
Yes I think a lot of people have goals to hit 3k or 4k so they spam meta heroes or whatever, hit those, then back off.
4k is no where close to 1%, even if these charts are off and inflated cus ranked, exposed mmrs etc, 4k cannot possibly be smaller than 10% of players. It's still quite amazing compared to the masses but think about how close you've been to 4k and how attainable it is.
the thing potato amrshal linked is ultra rigged
the likelihood of exposing ur mmr is highly correlated with the mmr itself
the old data saying ~4.2k is 99% percentile is still about right, afaik.
maybe if you included unranked ratings, but ranked? I think ranked is more serious and exposes mmr quite a bit.
bu also - do we care about the total population? Or about population who are more or less serious into dota? Otherwise there is no need to be proud to be better than 123mln players most of whom installed dota and played a couple of times and then left for other games.
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anyone here who has the information on how many people are in X mmr?
just rly curious rn