General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandon teammate and how to deal (and win) with it?

Abandon teammate and how to deal (and win) with it? in General Discussion

    Game is going on as usual then magnus disconnected at 16mins. Me and my teammates pause but still he didn't recon. Then magnus got abandon. We don't know what to do. Me and riki just keeps hunting enemies while ursa farms in lane. We realize that they got too many carries to keep on check so we push and get all t1 and t2 towers, get rosh and tried to go highground w/o magnus. We failed so we just go hunt enemies again. Enemy is getting stronger and at this point, I get titled and typed in all chat "It's 4v4 coz Luna is feeding, they say. But I feel that I'm getting cheated". Then at 34min (18mins gone), magnus reconnected and he said that there is brown out so he got disconnected. WK, who fcking resumes everytime we pause, discourages magnus and wants him to get tilted. At this point, our team morale (haha) is coming back and I told magnus to buy blink. In the end, we won. You know that feeling when you win an unwinnable game. And its all becoz of magnus coming back haha.

    How can we win a 4v5 game?
    How to end games as early as possible?


      I win a 4v5 game by buying rapier. I mean there really isnt a way unless theyre bad so i either exploit the rapier to slaughter them if im wk, or do nuts ratting if im someone like wr.


        push fast pick pushing hero check their profile first activity game then check if they abandon it (they have 0 gold and low exp in their gpm and xpm)