General Discussion

General Discussionto cookie :)

to cookie :) in General Discussion

    hello there buddy. If you have time can you please watch my recent arc warden games, and tell me what i can improve more

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      Hey buddy. Wow VHS w arc warden. Can u teach me how u do it?


        i'll watch a game or two later, but from what i can see:

        your itemisation is all over the place

        1. diffusal is only good on arc when you need to actually need to remove something with it

        aka if enemy has an omni, then diffusal is good

        2. butterfly is trash on arc, opponents with brains will get MKB to counter your 100% evasion, having butter wont make you have 135% evasion '-'

        3. i have ABSOLUTELY no idea why you bought SNY on arc

        just no idea, except hte movement speed, i have no idea how this item benefits this hero because you're pretty much throwing away slots which can be used for active items like hex/blood/dragonlance etc.

        4. crystalis with a bloodthorn, no comments

        5. shadowblade over dragonlance, terrible


        shadowblade is only purchased if enemy has some catch that you need to escape aka if a hurricane can't save you. if not, get hurricane!!!

        6. you keep buying shadowblade, orchid, maelstorm but you never finish them into their REAL items

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          you just got Schooled son!


            woah, thats1, . i ddnt know i was buying some trashy items huhu i guess i need to think twice before buying some items, I thought shadowblade was core on this hero lols , i need to improve my itemisation, it seems my itemsation and last hitting was holding me to 3k
            @jacked i cant teach you buddy, Find some good teachers, im just a noob hehe