General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for some help with jungle

Looking for some help with jungle in General Discussion
casual gamer

    yes get phases

    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

      i mean like since the update have good people started posting there
      if its a no then nvm

      Dr. Banana

        About lycan jungling guys, is 7-8 min too late? I just buy talon and salve and do the camps the classic way (but I never do the easy one).

        Also, what are the usual chokepoints and how do I use them to great effect as lycan? I know it's cutting trees and letting one creep hit you but as lycan they'll just hit your wolves instead.


          Finally 5 mb on the video downloaded 24 more to go.
          Gj my intertent 😑

          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

            theres no way you should be hitting 6 at7-8 min for lycan @@
            like thts the speed you would get if you went 3 stats 2 feral i think..

            even jungle am is faster than that T.T

            uh you can still use chokepoints as lycan just postion yourself in front and your wolf a few units behind and all 3 can fit snugly into a chokepoint if i remember correctly

            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
            Megu Rum

              a lot of these screenshots are lies. level 6 in 5 min is great. 4.5 min is barely possible and only if you dont contest runes.
              JDF8 is cheating with lich lol

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                its fine to farm the small camp unless the support is a dedicated support player they will only get a single pull and not a double pull which will fuck their lane up more...


                  using lich to cheat wut?

                  you can get 6 at 4 mins with lc without any help or runes, just need courier once. if you can get it for shield and skip regen you should be sub 4mins.

                  with axe you can have lvl 7 by 4 mins.

                  if you are 6 by 5 mins thats OK. i can post my times later but ive had lvl 6 on axe at 3:20 something, but thats unrealistic courier hogging.


                    do NOT do small camps on legion. thats some pre-talon shit, but is ok with axe

                    edit: heres a 3:16 lvl 6. i forgot this was 6.87, but your times shouldnt be affected much


                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      Lmao. Do u guys think jungle am is viable? Tbh getting stuck in a lane with a retard is so infuriating. They are no help when ganks come. And when ganks are over your whole team is in your lame taking farm from one of the most farm dependent heroes. I find myself level 6 at 10 mins too often. If I can get fast 6 by jingling am I will do it every game

                      casual gamer

                        ur retarded if u think im cheating with lich

                        i spawn him bc he buys courier

                        im sorry you cant farm and have to believe nobody else can farm by extension

                        casual gamer

                          1 sec im triggered im going to do it again and give myself gold for courier

                          Megu Rum

                            okay, prove me wrong with a replay or youtube video, not a screenshot

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                            casual gamer

                              get fucked 4k dumpster lord

                              casual gamer

                                god ok lemme afk for 7 minutes so th ereplay works

                                casual gamer

                                  replays do not work for private lobbies at all. how do you wish for me to generate a replay

                                  edit: you actually have 700 games of lc and cant jungle her holy shit im so sorry

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                  casual gamer

                                    im actually so fuckign insulted someone would think i would cheat at getting lvl 6 on lc in a private lobby

                                    heres more proof. this is the first game - lich didnt fucking skill anything. i gged out soon after getting smoke dagger

                                    this was the second game - i stayed in longer in hopes that it would create a lobby, no such luck. same shit, lich 0 xpm nothing leveled courier bought

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                      holy shit you actually have 700 games of LC ALL JUNGLE and you cant believe you can get 6 sub 4 mins???? LOL this is golden

                                      edit: ill do some runs myself when i get home, i believe someone in my games has gotten 3:30 without bounty, but 3:30-3:45 is really just about getting good spawns.

                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                      casual gamer

                                        i did it with no runes though


                                          I see a lot of phase and seems good with oo as. Tbh people don't max oo for some reason and to jungle u really only need 2 passive levels. Plus oo early is more DMG than ur rightclicks the duel mid is so ur mid can kill them u just lock em down.

                                          Megu Rum

                                            So many trolls in this thread. Show the video.

                                            casual gamer

                                              look i will type out my fucking farm pattern for you shitter

                                              (30 SEC)
                                              kill lg camp

                                              stak med camp (if u got wildwings gl son)


                                              heal and kill lg camp

                                              wear down med camp then stack it


                                              kill lg camp

                                              heal and finish killing the med stack

                                              starting killing and stack the far camp


                                              either kill the far camp stack or the med camp

                                              kill lg camp


                                              tada ur either lvl 6 or need 1-2 more camp if you missed a camp

                                              getting the first medium camp stack is rng dependant im p sure

                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                Most of my team backs out when I start a duel though like they want me to I generally have to look for solo pickoffs

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i liked lc more before the blademail rework tbh


                                                    phase is great early since you have attack speed boosts and can get in range for duel before blink is up if needed. oo is amazing in lane but in jungle it slows you down a bit.

                                                    also JDF8 i wasnt accounting for runes, i had a guy in an unranked game a week ago or w.e who got 6 at 3:30 without a rune or kills, ill see if i can find the game.


                                                      if there's a replay on your computer, which should exist

                                                      you can just go to your replay folder and take the replay file and upload it to the internet

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        honestly i cant reach lvl 6 even in 8 minutes without dying at least twice to the neutrals and calling it 'tactical deny'


                                                          Why don't you just tell people who are normal skill how to farm not your patterns. Have you seen rtz kill neutrals he always shuffle moves so you take less damage and pulls them out the camp to kite them. That's the shit everybody thinks is common knowledge but that is what makes you better and its never said.

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            Hey no need to get triggered by fools. We believe u sir. Does it only work on dire though?


                                                              dire side helps a lot. i cant seem to do it less than 4.5 mins on radiant, the big/med camps are just too spread out to stack easily. also it really depends on spawns if you get the birds at the first camp or not.

                                                              the most important thing is if you have the arcana set or not.


                                                                Wait u don't do hard camp at level 1 do u?


                                                                  Blue stars please for sake of pubs stop spreading knowledge about this cancerous role. Roam, dual offlane but not this!

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    when i hit download replay the bar appears and never fills up


                                                                      ey can someone refine sk jungle

                                                                      like as fast as possible dagger?

                                                                      best i do is 7-9 min


                                                                        I can get a 6-7min Blink dagger with Enigma...but then, he is the fastest jungler, isnt he?


                                                                          Chen and ench may be faster


                                                                            My lycan jungle 6 timing is 6 min with vlads no boots around that time. Thing is lycan jungles really slowly level one but ive only done it pre talon so i think 5 min is possible easily. U kinda have to tank for ur wolves a bit as they die really easily pre lvl 3-4

                                                                            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                              prime example of why coaching in dota is useful, someone played 700 games of 1 hero and is still clueless :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


                                                                                Ouch.. Some ppl just don't wanna learn

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  dire is faster yes i kill the large camp first which is why its rng dependant because im pretty sure not all large camps will die in time to stack the medium camp w/o skilling q + if you dont get a 200 xp camp you may be in danger if the next large camp spawn is hellbears because you dont have heal yet

                                                                                  Dr. Banana

                                                                                    Can, someone suggest lycan jingling bids of 6.88 (you know, when they get 6 at ~5 min)?

                                                                                    Or at least post a screenshot of lycan chokepoint jingling.


                                                                                      Completely unrelated question but does silver edge negate spirit breaker ultimate damage?


                                                                                        Goooo, someone make something consistant for sk that gives sub 7 min donger

                                                                                        Best i can do is 7 min without doing utterly risky stupid stuff

                                                                                        Megu Rum

                                                                                          700 games of being an active jungler by contesting runes and have mana to survive it. Your 4 min level 6 is very risky and unrealistic while hogging courier twice.


                                                                                            I can tell u basics of jungle lycan but its outdated and ive almost always been radiant.


                                                                                              And i cant play either

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                not risky at all unless you pick lc when they still have support slots open

                                                                                                you never dip below half hp if done properly and as you can see i have full fucking mana when i get my 6 minute smoke dagger and gank mid



                                                                                                  Make something for sk fast donger

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    How do you jungle on veno? Do his wards block camps? Do or do you have to place them outside of block and pull creeps to them? What do you skill?

                                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                                      wards block camps and you max wards first

                                                                                                      they do a fuckton of damage