General Discussion

General DiscussionHow often do you get intentional feeders in VHS?

How often do you get intentional feeders in VHS? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Tell me, does it get better? I have one in probably 1/3 of my games. Makes me not wanna play

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      2/3 of my games or even more often


        it never gets better bro sorry higher skill doesn't = less toxic


          Pretty much the same if you dont climb the behavior score trench at the same time


            1/30. 2/3 is hella high. Are u counting yourself when u intentional feed? Lmao

            STOP! In the name of the ...

              feederino spotted right above me rofl

              STOP! In the name of the ...

                thanks for giving yourself away Jacked I love you

                casual gamer

                  almost never


                    I think toxicity actually gets better with lower MMR. Down at 1k and below, the only toxic people are the 2ks and above playing with low MMR friends.

                    Potato Marshal

                      With how bad some people play, it's hard to tell


                        What? I never feed !


                          Its like 1/5 games.


                            in my last hundred games or so ive had 1 intentional feeder and that was solo queue ranked sadly. its really quite rare, but there are a ton of feeders that ruin games just as badly.


                              Best Feeder are storm players zapping into teamfight from fountain with 3k mana Pool and enemy am just has to press r for Rampage

                              casual gamer

                                ^ ayy LMAOP i lost a ranked game to thi sthanks 4k trashes


                                  almost never




                                      1 in 50 games theres an intentional feed at 4k aus


                                        Almost never maybe 1/200 1/300

                                        But i tend to get first eg. First pick antimage and then he wonder why we lose all towers in 20 minutes.

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                                          I had feeders, but not intentional feeders. What I mean by that is, that they were just playing bad on lane and died 5 times within 15min


                                            Same as low MMR. If you have intentional feeders often you're probably a flamer and or have a low behavior score. I've smurfed in all MMR's, it's never that common even in the 3 digit range.

                                            "If everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes."


                                              games av. 5.0-6.0 mostly
                                              once every ~15 games some on one of the teams starts feeding on purpose at some point

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                Once every, idk, 100-150 games?

                                                yung griphook

                                                  If someone is legitimately bad at a hero or something it makes me mad but I just write it off and move on, because I'm NS and I have games like that too. But when someone starts 3-0, goes 3-6 and then goes all chat saying GG NO WARDS IM FEEDING and starts feeding crows and themself it's pretty infuriating to say the least. I try to keep my team from tilting out but there are some people you can't save

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                                                    I am not that extremely high, I stack often with 1 or 2 people but I gotta say extremely rarely someone feeds on purpose (couriers etc.)

                                                    Bosnian Blade

                                                      only me
                                                      srry but rage is real :-(


                                                        I can't remember the last time I had an intentional feeder. That being said I see plenty of unintentional feeders...


                                                          Valve sucks


                                                            Very high skill EksDee LUL


                                                              2/3 of my games or even more often

                                                              LUL when u feed in them xD


                                                                I haven't purposely fed in over 6 months. Bad scores are directly related to teammates performance, I'm not the type to back down, I'm not the type to solo win games, I see my perfect move and I do it, it's up to the ones in the surrounding area to turn that into a win or a loss.


                                                                  ^what a teamplAyer

                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    It does get better, but don't mistake those words for it being some " wonderland of nice people. " Higher MMR people just tend to care more about MMR, and honestly, most people grow past the " intentional feeding phase " once they get better and realize it's a waste of time. NOT saying they don't exist, I repeat not saying it does not happen, but definitely happens more in 2K.