General Discussion

General DiscussionEMBUH SPEWIT

EMBUH SPEWIT in General Discussion

    I love Ember spirit but it seems like I always cannot carry my team to victory, please give some opinion even thought it's toxic I don't really mind. I just wanna know everyone's thoughts heuheuheu


      I feel like this hero, unless u shit on the other mid, snowball in early to mid game w a lot of kills, very difficult to win with it esp in lower level pubs.

      Also wk is such a dog shit hero


        I was kind shitballing in mid early that's why i can build BoTs and bf real quick but my Morph and Pudge dies every 3-5 minutes FML


          Its ok Jacked we cucked plenty of wks this week lul




              WK Afk comeback. Never forget.

              Looking at your game. I would hardly consider that as snowballing bro. After bots and battlefury he is in this weird part of the game where he needs to farm his Daedalus otherwise he does no dmg. Usually u will lose by then. Hence u need to really snowball or have decent teammates.

              I recommend rushing rapier.


                Also since when is 26 min bf a quick timing kek. U gotta get it way less than 20 mins to be effective


                  Well... I did tried to kill lot but my teammates kept on dying to WK. Was gonna rapier at the end but naga's rad made my hits some missed and WK would really dag in and stun kill me in 1.5 seconds no fcking wards no nothing.


                    Just split push. Ember is the most cancer rat as he is almost impossible to kill.


                      U shudda kited the shit out of wk


                        That's why some heroes are just better than ember. Ember so shit now rip. He can't do anything against wk.

                        Also linkens is a good item for embah spewit. Not that useless bkb item everyone seems to get lul

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                          @Daddy dude i kite him so many times for the whole game man, with Nyx roaming around with no damn sents i escaped their surprise buttseks ganks few times but my team...... damn. I would only hate my Morph for being a fcking scrub in that game. Instant lock carry call out and farm whole fcking game dies a lot with no replicate escape, EB and skill 2 then died. I remember damn well.


                            @Jacked maybe you're right I shoulda went go Lincon like every of my friends suggested. i couldnt build rapier cause i couldnt hold the game till then. I believe embuh spewit is still a good hero it just 90% depends on my team, my carry and off sucked black balls and im the only one who holds mid.

                            casual gamer

                              u need a fuckton of damage items and then you have to not get disabled for the rest of the game or you will lose


                                @JDF8 Dayum son 5.10 KDA ember, haha I still on training to be a pro TEACH MEH SENPAI

                                casual gamer

                                  high kda is natural, high winrate is not

                                  always have a remnant behind u so u can use ur op 0 cast time cross map blink to get away if you get ganked

                                  basically you should only die to silence / hex out of invis or blink, everything else has a cast time and thus can be dodged if you are a perfect player (which im not, but i tried)

                                  i would build phase 2 bf then crit every single game, and just shred people with fist. however i played a lot of games before he was nerfed and my playstyle is "wrong" according to better players than me

                                  the standard way to play him is to go travels BF crit (blink) linkens/bkb and abuse travels and remnant to push waves out and get a shitton of gold

                                  IMO if they have no lion / sky / clinkz (invis/blink + silence/hex) you should win almost by default simply because you cant die if you play well, and you are guaranteed to snowball

                                  also i play him safelane and not mid


                                    That's a lot of battle furies friend

                                    casual gamer

                                      good item

                                      Luis Miguel joven

                                        R4pe them before they do it to you


                                          @JDF8 alright thanks mate, will try it more on safelane but I would rather mid. in 4k ranked i just couldnt let anyone else mid (even though I'm not really good at it" but still i can maintain it building BoT < 12 mins instead of feeding them. sigh... Ember is my favourite but i just couldnt get my winrate and KDA higher now.




                                              @MANGO HOW TO RAT WHILE MY TEAM IS DYING AND THEY ARE PUSHING FAST

                                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                I always go blink after travels then fury
                                                Also raindrops is broken on him
                                                Bkb is pure garbage this game, either get linkens so nyx wk combo doesn't own you or just rely on your reflexes since only nyx can get you, wk blink stun is too slow

                                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                  Also naga is insanely easy matchup mid


                                                    Not in a really good place, his main problem is he is just not a manfighting material when late game kicks in. Rat is your best friend. He works best in sustained fights which are kinda hard to have these days. The longer a fight goes, the higher your chance to win it with your SoF.

                                                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                      This hero's power spike is early mid if u want to rat or go late please pick another hero

                                                      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                        He does decent late but his timings are similar to tiny you don't just play him with the intention to simply rat and farm


                                                          No one gonna point out how jd's build is so 2013?

                                                          Luis Miguel joven

                                                            @Jacked ye, i never build the multiple bf


                                                              OP, don't listen to Jacked and Daddy. They pretty much know nothing about Ember Spirit. I am having the same problem as you with this hero, and the responses I received from these two guys are just utter garbage. I suggest watching some pro replays where Ember Spirit is at a disadvantage. I usually learn a lot from watching games where that particular pro player has to adapt to the disadvantage he's facing. Matches where Ember is naturally good, I generally avoid watching.


                                                                @Muffinman Hey man thanks a lot. Really appreciate it. Will do my best next time while my team is not helping me at all. WISH ME LUCK!


                                                                  dont level ult a second time, gets stats after level 14


                                                                    My build: starting pms tangoes> bottle > boots > qb > aquila > ring of health (if lane is hard only) > BoT > bf > crits > blink (in low pubs second crits is better for stomping) or manta against silence > linkens (against hex if they dont have much targeted spells) > skadi, 2x or 3x crits, 2x bf, or rapier. Bkb is sub optimal cuz ember is played like a split pusher and an aoe teamfighter. Who jumps in and out of fights. U dont want to pop bkb just to run away and waste most of the charge, as ember shudnt just be popping bkb and running at people, he is too squishy for that shit.


                                                                      I mid and zone with flame guard. I actually find him to be good against invoker lvl 1 cuz u can run at him with flame guard and if u get a good block invoker cant do shit. Ur dmg is good and u have a pms, and invoker lvl 1 cant cancel flame guard. Just zone the shit out of him early levels. Also a haste rune or invis rune is almost always a kill on enemy mid, as with the build at lvl 6, 2 0 3 1, u can disable and triple remnant for kill if necessary. But against a squishy mid like zeus if u get a lucky haste rune u can kill him.


                                                                        @Daddys thanks dude I can consider myself that I know how to play him, just my item build was kinda wrong on that match with BKB. really should had went for Linken.

                                                                        La Lumière

                                                                          Lol, 1k plebs talking about heros. @Muffinman

                                                                          For you wastes of space


                                                                            Confirmation from people who possess mmr that my build generally makes sense?


                                                                              split push, use manta to dodge spells and dispell silence, use slight of fist to dodge cc and to clear big waves, immediatel cast chains after fist to cc from distance. and most builds are either as follows with luxury items post core build:

                                                                              against light cc and no cast time silences:


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                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                ur build is fine except i would skip roh til after travels and abuse bottle tp for hp regen

                                                                                very good csgo player

                                                                                  Starting build boots then buy relic then demon edge then another relic then another demon edge then another relic then sell boots to buy demon edge. You will be 6 slotted with 3 demon edge and 3 sacred relic

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    pocket strat: lock combining on 2 demon edge + relic then unlock them in 1 fight for OP fight turning damage


                                                                                      That's actually a cool strat to know. And also muffinman what's your problem exactly rofl. I'm actually 5k ember player so shut it noob :3