General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero's a good counter to Axe + LS combo? (without Necro or OD)

What hero's a good counter to Axe + LS combo? (without Necro or OD) in General Discussion
rgz- YB `ztx

    Halp Ples

    mentally handicapped

      hope and pray they do not find you

      hmm i guess defensive supports because that combo relies on sudden burst lockdown followed by overwhelming damage that can demolish at least 2 people if caught with the same call

      but this is just a fighting perspective what kind of counter do you need? in lane? teamfight? lategame?
      specific braahh

      Riguma Borusu

        winter wyvern




            Bane i guess could work. U could grip wifestealer and nightmare LC

            rgz- YB `ztx

              How do you counter-initiate that combo?

              He's so annoying once he gets his blink.

              mentally handicapped

                umm you need to have the upper hand on the vision game

                you know how some initiator like magnus suddenly gets hexed/disabled when he blink in to combo and then the pro who did that gets called a scripter? well idk what that is called but i know that the dude spams his vyse/skill on magnus while he is far away and the presses stop after like 1 sec. kind of like how pressing s to stop your attack. so when magnus finally comes in range, the disable acts ASAP because you queue'd that action

                so heroes that have a plethora of disables that have near instant animation and are single targeting are best for disabling axe's blink call initiation. bane, lion, sd are good as long as you have vision

                rgz- YB `ztx

                  That's very helpful. Thanks for the replies!

                  Closing this thread

                  mentally handicapped


                    Potato Marshal

                      Bait them out, have your team be close, but don't reveal that you're all there, and don't group up close enough that you can all get called. Disables that go through lifestealer's magic immunity is great, such as Bane, Pudge, Engima, and Magnus. Get heals, to keep whoever lifestealer jumps on alive. If you can survive the initial burst damage and don't all get called, focus on getting Axe first, and keeping whoever gets caught out first. Items like glimmer, eul's, and force staff are really good on supports for this. All you have to do is survive the initial burst and waste lifestealer's rage. Other useful ability's that might come in handy include global silence, since that can go through lifestealer's magic immunity, and he'll likely not have anything that can dispel it.