General Discussion

General Discussionbest advice in dota

best advice in dota in General Discussion
Putins Price Hike

    what is your best advice in dota.

    mine would be to not give upm just cause you are playing bad or your team is playiny bad doesnt mean you give up because the other team is probably just as bad. pub dota is pretty much who is the least bad


      Never play when you're angry, you'll tilt and lose! Which will make you more angry,which causes you to tilt more, which... (you get the point)


        Shut up and stop being a prick that no one wants to play with, it's that simple :D I'm sick and tired of every match being child daycare for me, where I have to mediate the little kids or teenagers that have low emotional capacity. I shouldn't need to say "Calm down guys, it's only 10 minutes in it's not GG we can win" almost every game LOL

        No one wants to know that you're triggered. Stop rage buying back like an 11 year old prick. No carry wants to hear by their equally bad team that they're bad just because they died to pudge a few times.

        People, simply, need to stop saying so many negative things and stop being a perfectionist of their team while not holding equally high standards of themselves. Hypocrites. Maybe if there was a separate queue for 20 - 30+ year old players and teenagers the game would be much easier to play.


          git gud


            Dont tilt


              Ye sometimes i tilt but i usually apologize and recognize it is dumb to do so. I dont apologize when all i recieve is criticism from someone just as bad as me. The best advice is never give up and always be as positive as possible. Ive come back from games where we r down 13-0 at 7 min. Also queue late at night all the white dads who r mature people come out to play dota after putting their 2 year old to sleep.

              casual gamer

                dont play dota


                  Best advice I ever got was when miracle told me to get good


                    ^jdf8 wish i can take ur advice

                    registered flex offender

                      Calculate. I hate seeing people run in on a half health bristle thinking they can kill him alone.


                        G1t GuD


                          play to win and have fun

                          i dont always manage that but its good

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                              Play more, less (trash)talk.

                              the end justifies the means

                                pray to GOD

                                Dr. Banana

                                  Don't care about the losses.


                                    Think of WHY DO THAT instead of WHAT TO DO
                                    When you apply logic to a very strategy based game you'd do way better than copying what other people do without thinking
                                    This mindset helped me to catch up with my friends who have 2k play hours and shit

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                                    Dr. Banana

                                      WHY DO THAT instead of WHAT TO DO

                                      I will remember this.

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        if your hero can jungle it does not mean it have to go jungle (oh i am life stealer and my safe lane is free? nope better jungle ROFL)


                                          you can git gud 100x faster by just thinking about the game rather than playing the game

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                                          the end justifies the means

                                            yes thinking about how cookie will calibrate ur account to 4k xd putanginamo